- 偽補MS代數Pseudo - complemented MS - algebras
- 偽補代數pseudo - complemented algebras
- MS代數MS- algebras
- 偽補分配格的同余理想與同余關(guān)系Congruence ideals and congruence relations of pseudocomplemented distributive lattice
- 補to repair
- 文摘:本文提出偽補MS-代數(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)PMS-代數)中正則理想,正則同余關(guān)系等概念.研究正則理想與核理想,0-理想之間的關(guān)系,討論正則同余關(guān)系的性質(zhì),得到若干結果.Abstract: In this paper,we introduce notions of regular ideals of a pseudocomplemented MS-algebra (PMS-algebra,for short) and study their elementary properies.We obtain some important results.
- 偽false
- 補上supplement
- 補水water replenishing
- 偽代碼pseudocode
- 補的complementary
- 補腎tonify the kidney
- 你的代數題做不下去了吧?Are you stuck over your algebra?
- 很難說(shuō)出將來(lái)Ms.這個(gè)詞是否會(huì )被更多的美國婦女所使用。It is difficult to know whether or not Ms. will be used by more American women in the future.
- 證偽falsification
- 補齊polishing
- 偽碼pseudocode
- 多退少補refund for any overpayment or a supplemental payment for any deficciency
- MS-代數MS-algebra
- 補稅pay a tax one has evaded