- 伊朗Kashan地區Kashan area in Iran
- 伊朗KASHAN區塊第三系沉積演化與構造運動(dòng)分析及儲層特征Sedimentary evolution and tectonic movement analysis and reservoir characteristic in Tertiary system of KASHAN block in Iran
- 這地區食物和燃料都很缺乏。Food and fuel were scarce in this region.
- 這一習俗在整個(gè)地區盛行。This custom prevails over the whole area.
- 這地區過(guò)去有個(gè)軍事基地。There used to be a military base in the region.
- 普什圖語(yǔ)一種伊朗語(yǔ),是阿富汗和巴基斯坦西部的部分地區的主要方言An Iranian language that is the principal vernacular language of Afghanistan and parts of western Pakistan.
- 警車(chē)在那個(gè)地區巡行。The police car cruised the neighborhood.
- 這將助長(cháng)地區內的酗酒風(fēng)氣。It will put a premium on drinking in the district.
- 那個(gè)地區的大象總數在下降。The elephant population in that area is falling.
- 鎮上這個(gè)地區是上層階級的人住的。This part of town is where the upper class live.
- 這一地區到處可見(jiàn)梯田。Terraced fields can be seen everywhere in this area.
- 這個(gè)地區有許多橡膠園。There are a lot of rubber plantations in this region.
- 某些地區仍保留著(zhù)這一習俗。The custom still obtains in some areas.
- 這地區人口稠密。The region is thickly peopled.
- 警察把兇手藏匿的地區封鎖了。Police sealed the area off where the murderer was known to be hiding.
- 這個(gè)地區沒(méi)有旅館。There are no hotels in this locality.
- 這一地區人口稠密。This area is heavily populated.
- 指揮官派出一支小隊去尋找更為安全的地區。The commander sent a party to scout out a safer area.
- 馬鈴薯在世界許多地區都有種植。Potato grows in many parts of the world.
- 他住的地區鄰里非常粗野。He lives in a tough neighborhood.