- 代用堿Mthe substitute alkali M
- 代用堿Nalkaline agent N
- 代用堿substitution alkali
- 固色代用堿Halternative alkali H for fixation
- 代用堿在棉活性染色中的應用Application of alkali-substitution to cotton reactive dyeing
- 堿alkali
- 固色代用堿在活性染料浸染中的應用Application of the alternative alkali for fixation in dip dyeing of reactive dyes
- 代用succedaneum
- 堿基base
- 堿液lye
- 代用的jackleg
- 酸堿acid-base
- 堿的alkaline
- 代用券token
- 甜菜堿lycine
- 這一新的代用甜味劑是用一種野生植物制成的。The new substitute sweetener is made from a wild plant.
- 堿水buck
- 左旋肉堿l-cn
- 秋水仙堿colchicine
- 堿洗caustic wash