- 從閉關(guān)到進(jìn)入WTO之中國From China's Closed-door to the Entry in WTO
- 在中國農業(yè)相當落后的情況下,中國從加入WTO之日起,取消了所有的出口補貼,并將國內支持約束在低于發(fā)展中國家的水平。Although its agriculture is in a much backward state, China eliminated all its export subsidies and bound its domestic support well below the level of other developing countries upon its accession to the WTO.
- 進(jìn)入WTO給中國建筑業(yè)帶來(lái)的機遇和挑戰Entry into WTO Brings Both Opportunity and Challenge to the Building Trade of China
- 脂肪酸從通過(guò)血管內皮到進(jìn)入脂肪細胞要通過(guò)以下幾層。The fatty acids cross the following layers in passing from the endothelium into the adipose cell.
- 進(jìn)入WTO后指導研究生模式的變革The Mode Change for Graduate Instruction after WTO Entry
- 西化之中國being-westemed China
- 我找不到進(jìn)入這座大樓的通道。I cannot find the access to this building.
- 國營(yíng)臺糖公司昨天上市一種三合一的DIY米酒,做為因應臺灣加入WTO之后必須對米酒課以重稅的權宜之計。The state-run1) Taiwan Sugar Corporation yesterday launched a three-in-one2) DIY rice wine kit as an expedient way to avoid the high taxes levied on rice wine in Taiwan, as mandated by the WTO.
- 比例原則進(jìn)入WTO法的必要性分析Necessity Analysis on the Entry of Proportion Rule into WTO Laws
- 之後afterwards
- 二十世紀之中國基督教Christianity in Twentieth Century China
- 氧化鐵行業(yè)進(jìn)入WTO后過(guò)渡期的形勢和影響Situation of Ferrous Oxide Industry in Late Interim of WTO and the Affecting Factors on it
- 不足之處limitations
- 從她對病人的深切關(guān)懷,我學(xué)到很多東西。I have learnt much from her deep concern for her patients.
- 另外一個(gè)影響觀(guān)察者判斷的因素是采訪(fǎng)者敲門(mén)到進(jìn)入房間的時(shí)間。Another thing that affected the status of the visitor in the eyes of the observers was the time.
- 進(jìn)入WTO,建立玉米種子加工中心已勢在必行It is necessary now of setting up the center of corn seed processing for China enter WTO
- 這種情緒使我們難以揣摸當今之中國青年。This cynicism makes today's Chinese young people hard to predict.
- 從下到上from the bottom up
- 流寓日本之中國珍善本古籍述狀The Account of the Rare Editions of Chinese Ancient Books
- 登錄--現在你便可以登錄你的帳戶(hù),或者等到進(jìn)入“學(xué)習中心”時(shí)再登錄。You can login to your account now or when you enter the Study Center.