- 介質(zhì)對TMP脫水的影響Effect of Medium on Dehydration of TMP
- 廣義克爾介質(zhì)對雙模壓縮真空場(chǎng)與原子相互作用系統中光場(chǎng)壓縮特性的影響Influence of Generalized Kerr-medium on the Light Squeezing in the System of Two-mode Squeezed Vacuum Field Interacting with a Two-level Atom
- 金屬介質(zhì)對超高頻RFID被動(dòng)標簽讀取效能的影響及可用于金屬表面標簽的設計Research on impact of metal media on RFID passive tag and design method of metal-surface-usable RFID tag
- 過(guò)濾介質(zhì)對微細粉煤壓濾脫水效果的影響規律研究The research about the influence of filter media to the effect that filter press dewaters small fine coal
- 把首都遷往內地的計劃,對巴西的未來(lái)將產(chǎn)生巨大的影響。The idea to have the capital moved so far inland will have a great effect on the future of Brazil.
- 選礦廢水中懸浮物對銅、硫精礦脫水的影響The effect of suspended substance on the dewatering of the copper and sulfur concentrate
- 在不好的路上猛開(kāi)車(chē)很快就會(huì )對汽車(chē)的懸架系統造成不良的影響。Hard driving over had roads will soon tell upon the suspension of the car.
- 切片番木瓜糖溶液滲透脫水的影響因素分析Analysis of the factors relative to osmosis dehydration of papaya slice in sugar solution
- 高速走絲電火花線(xiàn)切割工作介質(zhì)對電極絲耐用度影響的研究The Research on Durable Characteristic of Electrode Wire Affectedby Cooling Liquid in HSWEDM
- 這件事情對社會(huì )造成了有害的影響。This event had a pernicious influence on society.
- 釩鈦磁鐵精礦過(guò)濾脫水的影響因素及改善措施Influencing factors on filtration and dewatering effect of V-Ti magnetic concentrate and improvement measures
- 納米過(guò)渡性介質(zhì)對新型牙用烤瓷支架鈷鉻合金金瓷結合強度影響的研究The effect of nano-medium material on the metal-porcelain bond strength of new type co-cr ceramic and framework dental alloy
- 水介質(zhì)對輪軌粘著(zhù)特性的影響Effects of water medium on adhesion of wheel and rail
- 這項發(fā)展對我們的生活有深遠的影響。The development had a profound effect on all our lives.
- 加熱介質(zhì)對皮革收縮溫度的影響The influence of heating mediums on leather shrinkage temperature
- 多孔介質(zhì)對凝析氣露點(diǎn)壓力影響研究Study on effect of porous media on dew point pressure of condensate gas
- 約翰遜最近的這項研究對科學(xué)探索領(lǐng)域產(chǎn)生了極大的影響。Johnson has set his mark on the field of scientific enquiry with the recent study.
- 惰性介質(zhì)對干燥過(guò)程的影響分析Effect of inertia medium in drying process
- 考察了若干種酸性催化劑對蓖麻油脫水的影響。Effects of several kinds of acidic catalysts on castor oil dehydration have been explored.
- 不同灌注介質(zhì)對射頻消融病灶大小影響體外研究Radiofrequency ablation with different solution instillation: an in vitro study