- 交替存儲ZDTZDT
- 在清單3中,它指向交替存儲格式的MPEG-4電影。In Listing 3, it points to the interleaved MPEG-4 movie.
- 理療和化療交替進(jìn)行。Physical therapy alternates with chemical.
- 工作與娛樂(lè )交替進(jìn)行interchange work with play
- XML存儲XML Saving
- 可信存儲Trusted storage
- 包交替packet interleaving
- USB存儲設備USB storage device
- 安全交替運輸safe intermodal transport
- 虛擬化存儲Virtual Storage
- 對敵方交替使用硬的一手和軟的一手alternately strike and stroke one's opponent
- 開(kāi)發(fā)超聲提取法評估靜電強化顆粒沉淀式晶片存儲箱的潔凈度Development of an Ultrasonic Extraction Method of Evaluate the Cleanliness of Wafer Storage Boxes Prepared by Electrostatically Enhanced Particle Deposition
- T波交替T wave alternans
- 圖像文件存儲在The image file is stored in
- 交替拍攝reverse shot
- 對象存儲并操作Object stores and manipulates the world transformation of a
- 輪流交替one after the other
- 產(chǎn)品存儲;乘積存儲product accumulation
- 任務(wù)交替The tracking laws
- 虛擬存儲控制單元VSCU ( virtual storage control unit)