- 云南省PET考試PET test of Yunnan
- 如何應對PET考試How to Handle PET
- 云南省(N) Yunnan, a south west Chinese province
- 他去年十月參加了模擬考試。He took his mocks last October.
- 突然考試很有可能。A surprise test is a strong probability.
- 奧利佛勉強通過(guò)了法語(yǔ)考試。Oliver squeaked through the French examination.
- 她在期中考試以后放松了努力。She remitted her efforts after the mid-term test.
- 他勉強通過(guò)了數學(xué)考試。He shaved through the math exam.
- 她在期末考試之前非常緊張。She was all nerves before the final exams.
- 湯姆考試勉強及格。Tom passed the examination by a narrow margin.
- 他在考試中名列前茅。He came out top in the exam.
- 我已為考試做好準備。I was set for the exam.
- 約翰復習筆記準備考試。In preparing for the exam, John reviewed his notes.
- 瑪麗考試中得了個(gè)最高分。Mary scored the highest marks on the exam.
- 她對考試已有充分的準備。She has well prepared for the test.
- 所有的考試都很容易。All the examinations were as easy as pie.
- 他勉強通過(guò)考試。He passed the exam by a narrow margin.
- 他英語(yǔ)考試得了個(gè)及格分數。He got a pass in English.
- 考試的難度并沒(méi)有使他畏縮。The difficulties of the examination did not stagger him.
- 他們大聲疾呼反對考試作弊。They thundered against cheating on exams.