- 事件相關(guān)電位P300Event related potential P300
- WML能引起事件相關(guān)電位P300延長(cháng),其損害程度與P300潛伏期變化呈正相關(guān)。WML can lead to the increase of ERP P300latency. The extent of WML h ave p ositive corelation with P300latency.
- 聽(tīng)覺(jué)事件相關(guān)電位P300P300
- 目的:探討酒依賴(lài)患者腦干聽(tīng)覺(jué)反應(audilorybraimstemresponse,ABR)及事件相關(guān)電位P300的特點(diǎn),分析灑依賴(lài)患者認知功能損害情況。AIM:To explore the characteristics of auditory brainstem response(ABR)and event related potential(ERP)P300 in patients with alcoholism, and to analyze the condition of damage of their cognitive function.
- 目的觀(guān)察血管性癡呆(vasculardementia,VaD)患者事件相關(guān)電位P300與腦電圖(elec-troencephalography,EEG)的改變并探討其臨床意義。Objective To investigate the clinical value between event-related potential P300 and electroencephalography(EEG) of the patients suffering from vascular dementia(VaD).
- 目的探討交感神經(jīng)皮膚反應(SSR)與事件相關(guān)電位P300對抑郁癥患者的診斷價(jià)值。Objective To explore the diagnostic value of sympathetic skin response ( SSR) and P300 event-related potentials (ERP) in depression patients.
- 這位this (person)
- 相關(guān)部門(mén)relevant departments
- 變電power transformation
- 本位standard
- 不相關(guān)off the mark
- 重大事件important event
- 模擬電路mimic channel
- 倉位freight space
- 不相關(guān)的foreign
- 限位spacing
- 電玩electronic game; electric toy
- 正相關(guān)positive correlation
- 去電de electrifying
- 占位符placeholder