- 烏索ursol
- 烏索Bursol B
- 烏索GGursol GG
- 烏索SCursol SC
- gG基因gG gene
- 茜素黃GGAlizarin Yellow GG
- 偽狂犬病病毒PK基因的克隆與PK、gG雙缺失轉移載體的構建Cloning of the PK Gene of Pseudorabies Virus and Construction of Transfer Vector Deleting the PK and gG Simultaneously
- 我有一只狗叫GG.I have a dog called GG.
- LEI0106的GG、AA型、MCW0200的AA、FF型對10周齡體重影響顯著(zhù);GG AA type of LEI0106, AA FF type of MCW0200 are remarkably correlative to BW10;
- T2DM組GG基因型攜帶者空腹血糖明顯高于A(yíng)A基因型攜帶者(P<0.05)。Fasting plasma glucose was increased significantly in the GG subjects compared with AA subjects(P<0.05).
- 偽狂犬病病毒鄂A株gG~-/LacZ~+突變株在不同細胞中增殖規律的研究Growth Pattern of the Mutants of Pseudorabies Virus Strain Ea with the Genotype gG~-/LacZ~+ in Different Cell Lines
- CC基因型攜帶者的BMI平均比GG/GC基因型者高0.88 kg/m2(P<0.05)。The average BMI of CC carriers was 0.88 kg/m~2 higher than that of GG/GC people(P<0.05).
- 云南地方稻種以GG型占優(yōu)勢,有164個(gè),占74.5%; TT型有56個(gè),占25.5%;According to the G/T polymorphism, 164 rice varieties showed GG genotype, while the other 56 were TT genotype, accounting for 74.5%25 and 25.5%25 of all the varieties, respectively.
- 酸性媒介黃GG生物降解性能的試驗研究Study on biodegradation of Acid Mordant Dark Yellow GG
- 鼠標拖動(dòng)衣飾到MM和GG身上。Drag the mouse and clothing to MM GG body.
- MCW0254的GG型、MCW0177的CE型、MCW0112的AB型與4周齡體重有顯著(zhù)相關(guān);GG type of MCW0254, CE type of MCW0177, AB type of MCWOI 12 are remarkably correlative to BW4;
- 茜素黃GG共振光譜散射法測定人血清白蛋白Determination of Human Serum Albumin by Resonance Light Scattering Method with Alizarin Yellow GG
- GG公司的經(jīng)濟運行分析與對策Economic Operating Analysis and Policy of Electronic GG Company