- 為ASP.NET程序設置調試To set up debugging for an ASP.NET program
- 為命令行程序設置調試To set up debugging for a command line program
- 為ASP.NET 1.1開(kāi)發(fā)自定義數據綁定Web服務(wù)器控件Developing Custom Data-Bound Web Server Controls for ASP.NET 1.1
- 如果使用ASP.NET Development Server運行網(wǎng)站,則為ASP.NET單元測試設置的屬性和值與以下類(lèi)似If you are running your Web site with the ASP.NET Development Server, the attributes and values you set for an ASP.NET unit test might resemble the following
- 默認設置default setting
- 下面的示例演示如何使用Form屬性來(lái)確定活動(dòng)窗體是否為ASP.NET移動(dòng)Web應用程序中的特定窗體。The following example demonstrates how to use the Form property to determine whether the active form is a particular form in the ASP.NET mobile Web application.
- 重新設置reinstall
- 轉化為translate into
- 采用的技術(shù)為ASP.It adopted ASP.
- 表現為register as
- 使用Visual Studio創(chuàng )建新的應用程序設置To create new Application Settings using Visual Studio
- 轉變?yōu)?/a>translate
- 約為be about
- 啟用調試模式將極大地影響ASP.NET應用程序的性能。Enabling debug mode will greatly affect the performance of your ASP.NET application.
- 以編程方式創(chuàng )建新的應用程序設置To create new Application Settings programmatically
- 代為on behalf
- 在此字段中輸入應用程序設置的名稱(chēng)。Enter the name of the application setting in this field.
- 描述為describe as
- ASP.NET輔助進(jìn)程的名稱(chēng)會(huì )根據調試方案和IIS版本的不同而不同。The name of the ASP.NET worker process varies by debugging scenario and by version of IIS.
- 比喻為compare to