- 電子產(chǎn)品VMSMT中pcb版圖的恢復研究Study of PCB Recovered for the SMT Module of Electronic Product VM
- 中PCB版圖的恢復研究Study of PCB Recovered for the SMT Module of Electronic Product VM
- 電子設備中PCB板的抗ESD設計方法研究Study on Anti-ESD Design of PCB Board in Electrical Devices
- 模擬版圖的藝術(shù)The art of analog layout
- 電路故障診斷中PCB圖像引導探針定位技術(shù)的實(shí)現The Implement of PCB-image-position Technique for the Probe in the Circuit-fault-diagnosis System
- 低溶解氧膨脹污泥沉降性能的恢復研究Study on the recovery of settleability of low DO filamentous bulking sludge
- 通過(guò)對這些的研究,我們了解了大量有關(guān)地球的內部情況。It was from the study of these that so much was learnt about the interior of the earth.
- 應用Hspice軟件對電路和版圖的功能和性能進(jìn)行仿真; 應用Dracula軟件檢查版圖的DRC和LVS,并結合Cadence的Composer和Virtuoso對電路圖和版圖進(jìn)一步修正。Then applied Dracula checks the DRC and LVS of the layout, and combine Composer and Virtuoso to revise further to the schematic and the layout which embed in Cadence system.
- 我知道您剛從英國歸來(lái),但是我想,您會(huì )在百忙中光臨的。期待您的到來(lái)。I know you have just returned from England but I hope you're not too busy to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
- 農民緩過(guò)氣來(lái)了,生產(chǎn)積極性就提高了,農業(yè)的恢復和發(fā)展就有希望了。This will in turn arouse their enthusiasm for production and bring about hope for the recovery and development of agriculture.
- 如果他把精力更多地投入到工作中,他就會(huì )得到更好的結果。If he put more effort into his work, he'd see better results.
- 我國南方紅壤礦區復墾土壤微生物生態(tài)特征及其恢復研究Study on Microbial Eco-Characteristics and Restoration in Reclaimed Mine Red Soils in Southern China
- 舊習俗的恢復the restoration of old customs
- 西安臨潼人工林土壤干化與恢復研究Research on Soil Dryness and the Recovery Below Artificial Forest in Lintong of Xi'an
- 在悠久的歷史長(cháng)河中人類(lèi)逐漸脫離野蠻狀態(tài)而進(jìn)入文明。Man has gradually emerged from barbarism into civilization over the long history.
- 健康與體力的恢復restoration to health and strength
- 馬丁·路德·金在以非暴力手段尋求平等的過(guò)程中樹(shù)立了許多敵人。Martin Luther King made many adversaries in his nonviolent quest for equality.
- 一類(lèi)改進(jìn)遺傳算法的圖像信息恢復研究Study of Image Information Restoration Based on An Improved Genetic Algorithm
- 你的恢復速率是多少?What is Your Recovery Rate?
- 對那套銀行系統中最糟糕的一些問(wèn)題,我有過(guò)親身體驗。I had experience at first hand of the worst aspects of that banking system.