- 中國PDA市場(chǎng)China's PDA Market
- PDA市場(chǎng):以提升可用性來(lái)掀起市場(chǎng)革命?The PDA Market: Can it Re-invent Itself by Enhancing Usability?
- 中國PDA市場(chǎng)研究年度報告Annual Report on China's PDA Market
- 企業(yè)價(jià)格競爭決策的博弈分析--以當前我國PDA市場(chǎng)的價(jià)格戰為例The Game Analysis of Enterprise's Price Competitive Decision --The Analysis of the Present Price Competition on the PDA Market in China
- 中國結Chinese knot
- 中國電信China Telecom
- 中國話(huà)Chinese
- 中國農業(yè)銀行Agricultural Bank of China
- 我是中國人I'm from China.
- 中國民航General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC)
- 中國建設銀行China Construction Bank
- 中國功夫chinese kungfu
- 中國人民大學(xué)People's University of China
- 中國通old China hand
- 中國地圖map of China
- 中國特色distinct Chinese characteristics
- 中國制造Made in China
- 隨著(zhù)經(jīng)濟迅速發(fā)展,中國在國際舞臺上的地位變得愈來(lái)愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 新中國new China
- 中國郵政China Post