- 中國LCD顯示器市場(chǎng)China's LCD Market
- 中國LCD顯示器市場(chǎng)研究年度報告Annual Report on China's LCD Market
- 我們計劃在現場(chǎng)擺2-3個(gè)大的LCD顯示器播放流式視頻的市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷(xiāo)資料。We are planning to set up 2 or 3 large LCD monitors with streaming video marketing material.
- 關(guān)閉LCD顯示器,利用探視鏡進(jìn)項拍攝。Turn off the LCD monitor and use the viewfinder to shoot.
- 數控機床CNC系統LCD顯示器的原理與維修LCD monitor principle and maintenance of NC machine tool CNC system
- 中國CRT顯示器市場(chǎng)China's CRT Display Market
- 每個(gè)交易員都有兩個(gè)17“的lcd顯示器,以便每個(gè)交易員都可以獲得最快最多的交易信息.Each trader will be stationed at a fast PC with dual 17” LCD monitors. This gives each trader enough power and tools to research, watch, and trade multiple stocks.
- 中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)China Science & Technology University
- 顯示器市場(chǎng)monitor market
- 1927年中國革命進(jìn)入了它歷史上的一個(gè)新時(shí)期。In1927 the Chinese revolution entered a new period in its history.
- 三個(gè)挑戰現有的圖像合成運算效率不高精確地描繪反走樣多邊形有困難在大多數的LCD顯示器上顯示需要新的技術(shù)Three Challenges Existing image compositing operators insufficient Specifying exact anti-aliased polygons difficult New techniques needed for making the most of LCD displays
- 全球顯示器市場(chǎng)global monitor market
- TFT-LCD面板價(jià)格的下滑,拉近TFT-LCD顯示器與映像管顯示器產(chǎn)品的單價(jià)差距,亦加速全球對映像管顯示器需求的萎縮。The rapid slide in TFT-LCD panel prices has closed the gap between CRT and TFT-LCD monitor unit prices, resulting in further diminution in global demand for CRT monitors.
- 中國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的優(yōu)勢是國內農村市場(chǎng)潛力巨大。One of the greatest assets underlining China's strong growth is its huge market potential in the countryside.
- 從數字看中國體育市場(chǎng)Chinese sports market in numbers
- 世界顯示器市場(chǎng)掃描A glimpse of worldwide display market
- 中國UPS市場(chǎng)China's UPS Market
- 中國A股市場(chǎng)China's A- Share Market
- LCD液晶顯示器Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
- 中國PCB市場(chǎng)China's PCB Market