- 東樂(lè )膏GC指紋圖譜研究GC fingerprint of Dongle Paste
- 該方法可靠、簡(jiǎn)便,可作為東樂(lè )膏的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量控制標準。The method is simple, accurate and reproducible. It may be practical value for the quality control of Dongle Paste.
- 魚(yú)金注射劑GC指紋圖譜研究Research for GC fingerprint chromatography of Yujin Injection
- 小茴香揮發(fā)油GC指紋圖譜研究Research on GC fingerprint of volatile oil from common fennel
- 牛至揮發(fā)油GC指紋圖譜的研究。GC Fingerprint of the Essential Oil from Origanum vulgare L.
- 黃芩炭炮制工藝及其HPLC指紋圖譜研究Processing method and HPLC fingerprint of Charred Radix Scutellariae
- 分子標記技術(shù)在小麥抗白粉病育種及指紋圖譜分析中的應用研究Study on the application of molecular marker technique in breeding wheat for powdery mildew resistance and constructing DNA fingerfrinting of wheat
- 烏干達HIV感染患者并發(fā)瘙癢性丘疹皮損的病因學(xué)研究Etiology of pruritic papular eruption with HIV infection in Uganda
- 基于模糊聚類(lèi)的中藥對照指紋圖譜研究Research of Establishing Reference Fingerprint for the Traditional Chinese Medicines Based on Fuzzy Pattern Recognition
- 小檗屬植物藥材的HPLC指紋圖譜研究。Studies on HPLC fingerprint of Berberis L.
- 茯苓萜類(lèi)的高效液相色譜指紋圖譜研究Studies on fingerprint of terpenoid in Poria cocos by HPLC
- 山麥冬的HPLC/ESI-MS特征指紋圖譜研究HPLC/ESI-MS fingerprint of Radix Liriopes
- 花椒呈香部位的氣相色譜指紋圖譜研究。Studies on the Gas Chromatography Fingerprint of the Volatile Oil in Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.
- 水紅花子黃酮類(lèi)成分的HPLC指紋圖譜研究HPLC Fingerprint of Flavonoids in Fruits of Polygonum orientale
- 現代儀器分析在中藥指紋圖譜研究中的應用The Application of Modern Instrument Analysis To Fingerprinting Research on TCM
- 川芎有效部位氣相色譜-質(zhì)譜研究與指紋圖譜分析Analysis of the Component and Fingerprint of Effective Part of Ligusticum Chuanxiong Hort. By Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- 大黃主要化學(xué)成分的高效液相色譜法指紋圖譜研究The study of the main chemical constituents of Rheum species by HPLC-FPS
- 不同居群生姜呈香部位的氣相色譜指紋圖譜研究。Studies on the Gas Chromatography Fingerprint of the Volatile Oil in Zingiber officinale Rosc.
- 巖黃連注射液的高效液相色譜質(zhì)譜聯(lián)用指紋圖譜研究HPLC fingerprint for the Corydalis saxicola Bunting injection
- 蛇龍珠葡萄酒酒齡花青素高效液相色譜(HPLC)指紋圖譜研究Identification of Cabernet Gernische Wine Age by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Anthocyanins Fingerprint