- 與SID相關(guān)的帳戶(hù)的域The domain of the account associated with the SID
- 一旦設置一個(gè)帳戶(hù)來(lái)運行某項服務(wù),就不能刪除該帳戶(hù),否則與該帳戶(hù)相關(guān)的服務(wù)就無(wú)法啟動(dòng)。Once an account has been set up to run a service, that account cannot be deleted or else the services associated with that account will fail to start.
- 令牌中的信息包括服務(wù)帳戶(hù)的標識和特權,服務(wù)使用這些信息與操作系統交互。The information in the token includes the identity and privileges of the service account that the service uses to interact with the operating system.
- 有人強行登錄了我的帳戶(hù),現在我不能發(fā)送電子郵件了。Someone hijacked my account and now I can't send emails.
- 保證人一個(gè)人或一個(gè)公司,對與質(zhì)量、耐用性或性能相關(guān)的方面提供擔保、保證或誓約One, such as a person or corporation, that makes or gives a promise, assurance, or pledge typically relating to quality, durability, or performance.
- (道德方面)促進(jìn),提高,社會(huì )進(jìn)步提高社會(huì ),道德和智力標準的努力或運動(dòng)An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 您項更改您的帳戶(hù)的密碼嗎?Do you want to change the Passport for your account?
- 許多表面相似但在分類(lèi)中不是必然相關(guān)的有蹄類(lèi)哺乳動(dòng)物。any of a number of hoofed mammals superficially similar but not necessarily closely related taxonomically.
- 無(wú)法創(chuàng )建域%1的域間信任帳戶(hù)。返回代碼是數據。The interdomain trust account for the domain %251 could not be created. The return code is the data.
- 很多人都說(shuō)犯罪與貧窮是密切相關(guān)的.Many would say that crime and poverty interrelate/are interrelated (with one another).
- 證明放射性屬性與非科或非鋇的元素軌跡相關(guān)是非常重要的。It was vital to show that the radioactive property was connected with traces of elements that were neither bismuth nor barium.
- 無(wú)法刪除域%1的域間信任帳戶(hù)。返回代碼是數據。The interdomain trust account for the domain %251 could not be deleted. The return code is the data.
- 您正在考慮相關(guān)的標準、Web服務(wù)兼容性、開(kāi)發(fā)環(huán)境兼容性等問(wèn)題么?Do you look for standards, Web services compatibility, development environment compatibility, or just marketing hype?
- 我們在銀行開(kāi)了一個(gè)共有的帳戶(hù)。We have opened a joint account at the bank.
- 那里在古時(shí)候曾經(jīng)是軍屯駐地,至今我們還能看到一些相關(guān)的遺跡。That place used to be a military station in ancient times. We can still see some remains of it now.
- 帳戶(hù)的名稱(chēng)。The name of the account.
- 一個(gè)神色緊張的納稅人正悶悶不樂(lè )地與前來(lái)查帳的稅務(wù)審計員交談著(zhù)。A nervous taxpayer was unhappily conversing with the IRS Tax auditor who had come to review his records.
- 服務(wù)器程序需要對每一個(gè)單元都進(jìn)行程序初始化以及相關(guān)的回收工作。The server program would need to do program initiation and termination housekeeping once per item.
- 錢(qián)已由銀行直接轉帳入你的帳戶(hù).Money has been credited to your account by bank giro.
- 此查詢(xún)類(lèi)型的結果將按指定給搜索單詞的相對權重首先返回最相關(guān)的行。The results for this type of query return the most relevant rows first, according to the relative weight you have assigned to search words.