- 核內不均一RNA, 不均一核RNA, 核內異質(zhì)RNAheterogeneous nuclear RNA(hnRNA)
- 不均一RNAheterogeneous RNA
- 核不均一RNAhnRNA
- 核內不均一RNAheterogeneous nuclear RNA(hnRNA)
- 觀(guān)測序列的不均一性對估算北京和上海的平均溫度與極端溫度變化趨勢的影響Influence of Inhomogeneity on the Estimation of Mean and Extreme Temperature Trends in Beijing and Shanghai
- 不均odds
- 犬在體心肌跨室壁復極不均一性的研究Study of repolarization heterogeneity across ventricular wall in intact canine
- 核不均一性胞核核糖核蛋白I(hnRNPI)Heterogenous nuclear ribonuclcoprotein I (hnRNPI)
- 不均一相heterogeneous phase
- 它的粒度的均一往往會(huì )掩蓋了紋層層理。Its equidimensional grain size tends to mask the laminae.
- 繼承人協(xié)商同意的,也可以不均等。Successors may take unequal shares if an agreement to that effect is reached among them.
- 有蒼白金黃的心材并均一帶有棕黃或黑色的條紋的熱帶美國木材喬木的小屬small genus of tropical African timber trees having pale golden heartwood uniformly striped with dark brown or black
- 由于重量分布不均,頭部承受了大多數重量而導致容易翻倒likely to topple because of an uneven distribution of weight,with the majority being at the top
- 不均一組織heterogeneous structure
- 需用一個(gè)領(lǐng)示的電池來(lái)觀(guān)察形成過(guò)程,直到實(shí)驗結果均一,無(wú)須加以注意時(shí)為止。A pilot battery should be used for observation of forming progress, until such time that uniform experience indicates that such attention is not needed.
- 降水分布2001年降水時(shí)空分布不均,基本上以少雨時(shí)段為主。Precipitation Location The space-time location of the precipitation in 2001 is not well balanced, dominating by time periods with little rain.
- 從農業(yè)實(shí)踐看,栽培多系品種的田塊與栽培遺傳上均一品種的田塊未必有區別。From the agronomic point of view, a field planted to a multiline need not appear different from a field planted to a genetically uniform cultivar.
- 固體顆粒在床層迅速混合,導致顆粒在反應器中停留時(shí)間不均。The rapid mixing of solids in the bed leads to nonuniform residence times of solids in the reactor.
- 分配不公的尤指某個(gè)立法機構中的代表分配不均或不公平的Characterized by an inappropriate or unfair proportional distribution of representatives to a legislative body.
- 不均一土壤erratic subsoil