- 不一致連續Hopfield網(wǎng)絡(luò )inconsistent continuous Hopfield neural network
- 不一致連續Nonuniform continuity
- 連續Hopfield網(wǎng)絡(luò )continuous Hopfield neural network
- 模糊Hopfield網(wǎng)絡(luò )fuzzy hopfield networks
- Hopfield網(wǎng)絡(luò )模型Hopfield network model
- 一致連續偏序集uniform continuous partial order sets
- 連續Hopfield神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )continuous Hopfield neural network
- 高速分幅成像系統中多路圖像性能不一致的校正方法研究Calibration Method for Non-Uniformity between Multiple Images from a High-Speed Multi-Frame CCD Camera
- 半一致連續的semi-uniformly continuous
- 中國中部農村艾滋病病毒感染狀況不一致夫妻的隨訪(fǎng)研究Cohort study on human immunodeficiency virus discordant couples in the countryside of central China
- 可化為對稱(chēng)情形的具有非對稱(chēng)權陣的連續Hopfield型神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò )Continuous Hopfield-type neural networks with asymmetric connection weights which can be reduced to the symmetric case
- 一致連續uniform continuity
- 一致連續的uniformly continuous
- 我和非力浦在許多事情上意見(jiàn)不一致。I don't agree with Philips on many things.
- 擬一致連續的quasi-uniformly continuous
- 一致連續映射uniformly continuous map
- 矛盾之處不相符之處,不一致的例子An instance of divergence or disagreement.
- 一致連續線(xiàn)性變換uniformly continuous linear transformation
- 一致連續線(xiàn)性算子uniformly continuous linear operator
- 為回答這個(gè)問(wèn)題所做的考察表明,各種理論預計結果很不一致。A survey of available researches trying to answer this question indicates a serious lack of agreement between the predictions of various theories.