- 上海地區GPS綜合應用網(wǎng)Shanghai Comprehensive GPS Application Network
- 武漢地區GPS氣象網(wǎng)GPS Meteorology Network in Wuhan Region
- 上海Shanghai
- 應用application
- 網(wǎng)network
- 綜合synthesized
- 平原地區GPS擬合高程試驗GPS altitude fit test in plain region
- 應用程序application
- 應用網(wǎng)關(guān)application gateway
- 上海地區Shanghai
- 應用網(wǎng)關(guān)代理application gateway proxy
- 綜合應用integrated application
- 利用貝加爾湖地區GPS監測網(wǎng)測站坐標,根據邊長(cháng)盡量相等的原則,形成了11個(gè)Delaunay三角形,計算了各三角形的形狀因子,結果表明有9個(gè)三角形的形狀因子大于0.1。We form 11 Delaunay triangles using the coordinates of GPS stations in Baikal Lake region in the light of side length being equal as far as possible for each triangle.
- 上海地區登革熱發(fā)生的危險程度監測及媒介的孳生習性調查Investigation of Dangerous Degree of Dengue and Breeding Habit of Vector in Shanghai
- 業(yè)務(wù)應用網(wǎng)關(guān)功能serviced application gateway function
- 吳淞口水質(zhì)濃度與上海地區長(cháng)江水系船舶貨運量關(guān)系的實(shí)證研究Study of the Relationship between the Water Concentration in Wusong Entrance and the Yangtzi-River Shipment Volume in Shanghai Area
- 面向分布式應用網(wǎng)管系統的研究與實(shí)現Research and Development on Network Management System Oriented Distributed Application
- GPS綜合應用系統GPS integrated application system
- 上海地區銷(xiāo)售經(jīng)理Trade Marketing Manager Sales Executive
- 平版膠印機應用網(wǎng)紋輥輸墨裝置的研究Research of Applying Anilox System on Offset Print