- 三X形縫紉triple-X
- 三X女性triple X female
- 三X綜合征triple-X syndrome
- 灰線(xiàn)式三X體write in a hidden way
- 三X染色體綜合征triple X syndrome
- 成形shaped
- 零售用棉制縫紉線(xiàn)Cotton sewing thread, put up for retail sale
- 形的aitch
- 縫紉女工手指斷針殘留取除48例Delivery metal pinhead from traumatic finger of female sewing workers: 48 cases report
- 六角形hexagon
- 三文魚(yú)Salmon
- 上面的線(xiàn)與底線(xiàn)相連的一種縫紉機縫紉方法。a machine stitch in which the top thread interlocks with the bobbin thread.
- 八邊形octagon
- 大三學(xué)生junior
- 八角形octagon
- 三圍measurements of the chest, waist and hips
- 波浪形undulation
- 得意忘形forget oneself in one's excitement
- 三代three generations
- 柱形column aspect