- 臺your
- 研制的8套倍頻器系統在同一臺控制電源集中控制下,可獲得高精度要求。The perfected 8 sets of high precision frequency-conversion scheme was controlled with a sepping-motor-driven poper supply and the high precision demand was satisfied.
- 我找到一家出售剩余物品的商店,買(mǎi)了一臺袖珍計算機。I find a surplus store and buy a pocket calculator.
- 靜電消除器在印刷機上加設的裝置,以清除或中和紙面上的靜電。Static eliminator A device installed on a printing machine to remove or neutralizing static electricity from the paper.
- 我建議你買(mǎi)一臺DVD機而不是錄像機。I would recommend that you buy a DVD player instead of a VCR.
- 靜電消除器:在印刷機上加設的裝置,以清除或中和紙面上的靜電。Static eliminator: A device installed on a printing machine to remove or neutralizing static electricity from the paper.
- 我需要一臺功率更大的電視機來(lái)克服我鄰居的立體系統的干擾。I need a more powerful set to overcome my neighbor's stereo.
- 向導正在連接到另一臺計算機,請稍候。這可能要花幾分鐘的時(shí)間。Please wait while the wizard is connecting to the other computer. This may take a minute.
- 這家醫院正設法募集資金購買(mǎi)一臺新的血液透析器。The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine.
- 手泵式四輪小車(chē)由一個(gè)小馬達或一臺手泵驅動(dòng)的小型無(wú)篷路軌車(chē)A small open railroad car propelled by a hand pump or a small motor.
- 為了能在當地聽(tīng)到VCR播放,你必須連接另一臺揚聲器到VCR(被放大的)。In order to hear the vcr playback locally, you must connect a second speaker(in this case, amplify) to the vcr.
- 在一臺計算機上完整安裝業(yè)務(wù)分析員的業(yè)務(wù)流程設計器的最低軟件要求是The minimum software requirements for a complete installation of Orchestration Designer for Business Analysts on a single computer include the following
- 一個(gè)機械裝置可以像削鉛筆器那樣簡(jiǎn)單,也可以像一臺計算機那樣復雜。A mechanism can be as simple as a pencil sharpener or as complex as a computer.
- 一臺時(shí)鐘頻率為100兆赫的個(gè)人電腦每秒能執行一億次運算。A personal computer with a 100-megahertz clock then executes 100 million stages per second.
- 一臺舊的奔騰133對于開(kāi)發(fā)或者小型的個(gè)人站點(diǎn)來(lái)說(shuō)是足夠的。An old Pentium 133 will be sufficient for development or a small personal site.
- 用集線(xiàn)器也可以,大概50左右,但是需要一臺作為主機的,主機要開(kāi)機,另一臺才能用。Hubs can be used, probably around 50, but need a mainframe as the host to open up another can be used.
- 電梯附近的商店前面就有一臺郵票販賣(mài)機。郵筒就在這邊。There is a stamp machine right in front of the shop near the elevator and the mail box is over here.
- 在老工人的幫助下,他們設計了一臺新車(chē)床,代替手工操作。With the help of the veteran workers they designed a new lathe to replace hand labour.
- 他們還有一臺小一點(diǎn)的制冰機,是用來(lái)試作冰淇淋用的。They also had a small freezer which they used to whip up some test batches of ice cream.