- [US] 國務(wù)卿Secretary of State
- [US] 謹上Sincerely yours
- [US] 住院in the hospital
- 國務(wù)卿目前正在考慮該項建議.The Secretary of State is presently considering the proposal.
- [US] 換擋shift gear
- 人們知道,總統不打算在中東問(wèn)題上斷然否決他的國務(wù)卿。It was known that the President was not prepared flatly to overrule this Secretary of state on the Middle East.
- [US] 海軍部the Department of the Navy
- 他的曾外祖父海依曾任兩屆國務(wù)卿。His great-grandfather John Hay had served twice as Secretary of State.
- [US] 公寓樓apartment block
- 他(里根)派國務(wù)卿舒爾茲到國會(huì )山莊去給意志動(dòng)搖的共和黨議員打氣。He(Reagan) sent Secretary of State Shultz to Capitol Hill in an effort to shore up wavering Republicans.
- [US] 國務(wù)院Department of State
- 副國務(wù)卿Deputy Secretary of State
- 超聲(US)Ultrasonography(US)
- 基辛格在任國務(wù)卿之前,Prior to his appointment as Secretary of State
- [US] 開(kāi)始沸騰a boil
- 助理國務(wù)卿assistant secretary of state
- [US] 郵寄某物mail
- 美國前國務(wù)卿Former secretary of state of US
- [US] 業(yè)余時(shí)間on one's own time
- 國務(wù)卿鮑威爾Secretary of State Colin Powell