- That tribe is facing ethnic cleansing. 那部落正面臨種族滅絕的厄運。
- Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo could unravel the rump Federation of Yugoslavia. 在科索沃發(fā)生的種族清洗很可能使已經(jīng)大大縮小的南斯拉夫聯(lián)盟進(jìn)一步解體。
- The fact that ethnic cleansing is repugnant does not obviate the need to devise the most appropriate response. 種族清洗固然令人痛恨,但這一事實(shí)并不能排除去構想更為恰當的應對方法的必要性。
- He has also conducted ethnic cleansing against the Shi'a Iraqis and the Marsh Arabs whose culture has flourished for more than a millennium. 他還對已有1000年燦爛文化的伊拉克少數民族和阿拉伯部落進(jìn)行種族清洗。
- The anti-coalition insurgents have been joined by sectarian death squads whose aim is the ethnic cleansing of mixed Sunni and Shia areas. 反對聯(lián)合政府的叛亂分子有教派敢死隊合流,后者的目標是對于遜尼派與什葉派雜居地區進(jìn)行種族清洗。
- A foretaste of the ethnic cleansing that was to become the grim hallmark of the war. 這預示了隨后發(fā)生的種族清洗,并成為了波黑戰爭肅穆的標志。
- Nor should "ethnic cleansing" be rewarded, which it would be in an independent Bosnian Serb republic or Abkhazia. 事實(shí)上,如今應該是歐盟,而不是聯(lián)合國或者北約來(lái)扮演決定性的角色。
- And ethnic cleansing and looting of Georgian villages in South Ossetia took place under the gaze of Russian troops. 南奧塞梯格魯吉亞村莊內的種族清洗和搶掠事件,是在俄軍的眼皮底下發(fā)生的。
- On the one hand,human rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are being violated in ethnic cleansing. 一方面,在《世界人權宣言》被確立的人權在種族滅絕中遭到違反。
- On the one hand human rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are being violated in ethnic cleansing. 一方面在《世界人權宣言師被確立的人權在種族滅絕中遭到違反;
- Eka Tkeshelashvili described the forced moves as ethnic cleansing, though she did not specify who she was accusing of carrying it out. 她將這種強制行動(dòng)稱(chēng)為是種族清洗,不過(guò)她沒(méi)有指出具體的實(shí)施者是誰(shuí)。
- Many Sunnis however are petrified of the group which they accuse of carrying a relentless ethnic cleansing campaign against them. 不過(guò)許多遜尼派穆斯林很害怕這個(gè)組織,他們指責這支無(wú)情的異教徒組織對他們動(dòng)武。
- Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic long oppressed the Kosovo Albanians, as well as perpetrating war and ethnic cleansing right across former Yugoslavia. 但在90年代,格魯吉亞人卻是阿柏克茲亞地區種族清洗中的更大受害者;
- Georgia's foreign minister is warning that ethnic cleansing of Georgians is taking place in South Ossetia and will soon be completed. 格魯吉亞外交部長(cháng)警告說(shuō)對格魯吉亞人的種族清洗正在南奧塞梯地區上演,不久即完成。
- His campaign against the Kurds from 1987 to'89 included mass summary executions,disappearances,arbitrary jailing,ethnic cleansing and the destruction of some 2,000 villages. 1987至1989年對庫爾德人的戰爭中,、濫殺、關(guān)押、失蹤和種族清洗造成了2000名庫爾德人死亡。
- Some liken the behaviour of the English victors after the battle to recent attempts at ethnic cleansing in strife-torn places such as Rwanda and Bosnia. 有些人把戰斗后英國勝利者的行徑比作最近在盧旺達和波斯尼亞等被內亂弄得支離破碎的地區進(jìn)行種族滅絕性屠殺的企圖。
- And if your family has been incinerated in a church in Kenya in a bout of ethnic cleansing triggered by an election, who is to say that the Chinese are so wrong? 確實(shí),如果在一場(chǎng)由選舉引發(fā)的種族清洗中,你的家族在肯尼亞一間教堂中葬身火海的話(huà),誰(shuí)又能斷定中國所言全無(wú)道理呢?
- Europe, of course, has always been as much the cradle of barbarism as civilization, of racism and ethnic cleansing as well as the Renaissance and democracy. 近來(lái)發(fā)現,一些地方在國有小企業(yè)改制過(guò)程中,刮起了一股“賣(mài)企業(yè)”之風(fēng),不加分析地把國有小企業(yè)一賣(mài)了之。
- They have agreed to stop the violence, address the humanitarian emergency, bring perpetrators of ethnic cleansing to justice and set up an independent review of the election. 這周,談判恢復,雙方同意停止暴行,解決人道主義危機,將實(shí)施種族清洗的罪犯送到法庭,重新舉行一次獨立的選舉。
- Bosnia-Herzegovina filed a suit accusing former Yugoslavia of masterminding the widespread ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims and Croats during the Balkan conflict of the 1990s. 波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那此前控告前南斯拉夫在1990年代巴爾干沖突期間策劃了對波斯尼亞的穆斯林和克羅地亞人的大規模種族滅絕。