- "Shuang Lu Bu Sheng" 雙陸不勝
- Lu Bu had no fear,and seemed to get even braver and stronger. 劉備、關(guān)羽、張飛三人大戰呂布,幾種兵器相撞,火星四濺,眾人都看呆了。
- Lu bu since the government to collect the sable cicada, disgruntled after her. 呂布自董卓收貂蟬入府為姬之后,心懷不滿(mǎn)。
- One day, while Dong Chan was in court, Lu Bu rushed Back to Dong Zhuo's residence to see the girl. 一日,董卓上朝議事,呂布忙跑到相府來(lái)會(huì )貂蟬
- Dong Zhuo rushed there and at the sight of the two, roared with anger. Lu Bu fled. 董卓急趕到后花園,向二人大吼一聲,呂布轉身就跑。
- Lu Bu was furious, and each time he met Diao Chan, the latter feigned a sad tearful look. 呂布見(jiàn)貂蟬被董卓霸占,心中憤憤不平。貂蟬在呂布面前也假意傷心落淚。
- Ride: from Taitung to take tripod passenger Chulu East, Chi Chu Lu Bu to the next station. 搭車(chē):由臺東搭乘鼎東客運往初鹿、池卜至初鹿站下。
- Since then, the sable cicada dallies with this man, send this quote from lu bu in enchanting. 從此以后,貂蟬周旋于此二人之間,送呂布于秋波,報董卓于嫵媚。
- One day, he came to see Dong Zhuo with a Borrowed Blade. The latter was sitting in his Bedroom, his Brave step-son Lu Bu standing by his side. 一日,曹操借王司徒寶刀一口,藏刀來(lái)到相府。他走到小閣,見(jiàn)董卓坐在床上,義子呂布侍立于側。
- Besides, the smart Diao Chan also deliberately goads hatred between two men and eventually manages to stimulate Lu Bu to kill Dong Zhou. 此外,聰明的貂嬋還故意在兩人之間調唆引起仇恨,并最終成功地激怒呂布殺掉了董卓,。
- Lu Bu had just lost,Dong Zhuo had to set fire to LuoYang,and escorted Emperor Xian of Han and the inhabitants to the new capital ChangAn,to hide. 呂布戰敗,董卓只得火燒洛陽(yáng),押著(zhù)漢獻帝和老百姓遷都長(cháng)安,躲避起來(lái)。
- Lu Bu glanced at Zhang Fei's fiery expression,and wielding his Long Serpent Spear,and promptly rushed up,and dueled with him. 呂布見(jiàn)張飛圓睜環(huán)眼,揮舞丈八蛇矛,便飛馬上前,與他斗了起來(lái)。
- After the party was over, the resentful Cao sent one of his men to Lu Bu, the enemy general, asking him to attack the city that night while Zhang was drunk. 散席后,曹豹懷恨在心,便連夜派人送信給呂布,讓他今夜乘張飛大醉偷襲徐州。
- Dong Zhuo was alarmed at the news that his Brave general Hua Xiong had been killed. He dispatched Lu Bu with 150,000 troops to guard the Hulao Pass outside the capital. 董卓聽(tīng)說(shuō)華雄被殺,派呂布領(lǐng)十五萬(wàn)兵駐守洛陽(yáng)城外的虎牢關(guān)。
- When Dong Zhuo got Back to his Bedroom he saw Diao Chan's face was tearful. Being demanded for an answer, the girl said, "I was enjoying flowers in the Back garden when Lu Bu stole in to take my liberty. 董卓回到臥室,見(jiàn)貂蟬哭得淚人一般,責問(wèn)貂蟬說(shuō):"你為什么私通呂布!"貂蟬哭訴道:"我在后花園看花,呂布進(jìn)來(lái)調戲我
- Convinced of her resolute attitude, Wang Yun was straightforward: "Both Dong Zhuo and his stepson Lu Bu love women. I'll take you as my step daughter, then I'll Betroth you to Lu Bu before I present you as a gift to Dong Zhuo. 王允見(jiàn)貂蟬十分堅決,就說(shuō):"董卓和呂布都是好色之徒。我收你為義女,先把你許給呂布為妻,然后再獻給董卓為妾
- Suddenly aware of Lu Bu's absence, Dong Zhuo, suspicious, rushed Back to his residence to see Diao Chan was nowhere. The service maids told him the girl and Lu Bu were in the Back garden. 董卓在殿上正議事,回頭不見(jiàn)呂布,心中疑惑,急忙回府。進(jìn)后堂找不到貂蟬,問(wèn)丫環(huán)才知貂蟬、呂布在后花園。
- An Experiment Study of the Effects of Bu Sheng Shu Gan Tang on the Rats of Deficiency of the Kidney and Depressed Liver 補腎疏肝湯對腎虛肝郁大鼠性活力影響的研究
- Comrade Lu stands forth as a model worker. 陸同志表現突出,是一個(gè)勞動(dòng)模范。
- With a word of assent, Chang Sheng departed. 張升答應一聲就出去了。