- "花哨貨,不經(jīng)用"Conceited [=ingenious] goods are quickly spent
- 花哨貨,不經(jīng)用.Conceited [=ingenious] goods are quickly spent.
- 常用in common usage
- 出貨shipment
- 不用need not
- 收貨人consignee
- 勞埃德TSB是削減不經(jīng)認可的透支費用的第一個(gè)銀行,當面消費者叛亂。Lloyds TSB is the first bank to cut unauthorised overdraft charges, in the face of a customer revolt.
- 沒(méi)用useless
- 備貨stock up
- 不用謝You're welcome
- 到貨arrival
- 不經(jīng)警察允許,誰(shuí)也不許離開(kāi)這幢樓。No one is to leave this building without the permission of the police.
- 用來(lái)be used for
- 貨號article No.
- 用藥use medicine
- 她不經(jīng)修飾的嗓音和少有的率真與誠實(shí)打動(dòng)了每一顆疲憊的心靈。Back in the mid-nineties her music was a fresh spring breeze, her sound unpolished and her songs mellow summer ballads of seldom-heard directness and honesty.
- 再用reoccupy
- 領(lǐng)用receive; get
- 沒(méi)用的trashy
- 不經(jīng)他的審查,有關(guān)公司的任何聲明都不能發(fā)布No statement about the company can be released without his scrutiny