The host that originated the timestamp request can also estimate the local time on the remote computer. 起始時(shí)間戮記請求的主機也能估算在遠端電腦上的區域時(shí)間。
Forecasters say if Ernesto stays on its present course, it could become a major hurricane by the time it reaches the southeast Gulf of Mexico. 氣象預報員稱(chēng),如果歐內斯特颶風(fēng)繼續保持目前強勁的勢頭,則在它到達墨西哥灣東南海岸區時(shí)將形成一股強大颶風(fēng)。
Through an important resistance zone, the trend will start to absorb a narrow range of shock resistance, resistance will be accelerated across the measureless up. 在通過(guò)重要阻力區時(shí),會(huì )展開(kāi)窄幅震蕩走勢來(lái)消化阻力,越過(guò)阻力后會(huì )加速無(wú)量上揚。
Local time changes from place to place and its use in practical life is therefore inconvenient. 地方時(shí)間因地而異,因而在實(shí)際生活中使用起來(lái)不方便。
Britain has decided that it can no longer afford the upkeep of Greenwich Mean Time. 英國已經(jīng)決定不再負擔維持格林威治標準時(shí)的費用。