- Stability and development in China are not only in the interest of prosperity and progress in Asia but also an important contribution to world peace and development. 中國的穩定和發(fā)展不僅有助于亞洲的富強和發(fā)展而且對世界和平與發(fā)展有重要的貢獻。
- That is required for world peace and stability. 這是世界和平和穩定的需要。
- To safeguard world peace and oppose aggression and expansion. 維護世界和平,反對侵略擴張。
- The duty of upholding world peace and punishing evil will be yours. 警惡懲奸,維護世界和平這個(gè)任務(wù)就交給你了。
- May world peace and all the people exchange the olive brach! 希望世界和平,全世界的人民和睦相處!
- " The Constitution of 1954 stipulated that "the steadfast policy of our country in international affairs is to work hard for the lofty goal of world peace and progress for mankind. ”1954年憲法規定:“在國際事務(wù)中,我國堅定不移的方針是為世界和平和人類(lèi)進(jìn)步的崇高目的而努力”。
- Let us work together and make even greater contribution to world peace and stability and common progress of mankind. 讓我們共同努力,為維護世界的和平穩定、促進(jìn)人類(lèi)的共同發(fā)展做出更大的貢獻!
- The political leaders of our generation have on their shoulders the historical mission of carrying forward the cause of world peace,development and progress into the future. 我們這一代政治家,對世界和平、發(fā)展與進(jìn)步事業(yè)肩負著(zhù)繼往開(kāi)來(lái)的歷史使命,任重而道遠。
- A China that enjoys stability,growth and progress will make even greater contribution to peace and development in the region and the world at large. 一個(gè)穩定、發(fā)展、進(jìn)步的中國,將為促進(jìn)世界和地區的和平與發(fā)展作出更大的貢獻。
- I agree wth you that cultural exchange is important if we are to maintain world peace and advance human progress. 我贊同你的說(shuō)法,要維持世界和平和推進(jìn)人類(lèi)進(jìn)步,文化交往是非常重要的。
- A China that enjoys stability, growth and progress will make even greater contribution to peace and development in the region and the world at large. 一個(gè)穩定、發(fā)展、進(jìn)步的中國,將為促進(jìn)世界和地區的和平與發(fā)展作出更大的貢獻。
- The political leaders of our generation have on their shoulders the historical mission of carrying forward the cause of world peace, development and progress into the future. 我們這一代政治家,對世界和平、發(fā)展與進(jìn)步事業(yè)肩負著(zhù)繼往開(kāi)來(lái)的歷史使命,任重而道遠。
- We stand firmly opposed to hegemonism and power politics so as to safeguard world peace and promote social developement and the progress of mankind. 我們堅決反對霸權主義和強權政治,維護世界和平,推動(dòng)社會(huì )發(fā)展,促進(jìn)人類(lèi)進(jìn)步。
- China is always a staunch force for world peace and regional stability. 中國始終是維護世界和平與地區穩定的堅定力量。
- Before we find world peace, We gotta find peace and end the war in the streets. 在我們找到世界的平靜之前,先讓我們在街頭找到我們最后的平靜。
- The Chinese government and people stand ready to work unremittingly with the people of all other nations to safeguard and promote the cause of world peace, development and progress. 中國政府和中國人民愿與世界各國人民一道,共同為維護和促進(jìn)人類(lèi)的和平、發(fā)展與進(jìn)步事業(yè)而不懈努力。
- All I want is some peace and quiet. 我所需要的就是一點(diǎn)安寧和清靜。
- "I am convinced that the World Exposition in Shanghai in 2010 will ...contribute to the peace and progress of mankind," Jiang said in a thank-you letter after the announcement of Shanghai's win by World's Fair organizers. “我堅信2010年在上海舉辦的世界博覽會(huì )將為人類(lèi)的和平與進(jìn)步作出貢獻,”江澤民在世博會(huì )組織者宣布上海獲勝后的一封致謝信中這樣說(shuō)。
- Let him seek peace and ensue it! 讓他去追求和平并為和平而奔波吧。
- The entire Nepali people want peace and progressive change in the country. 全體尼泊爾人民想要和平以及國家的進(jìn)步轉變。