- It is predicted that gold price tends to be still continually on the increase in view of that the main world gold market tend... 由于黃金市場(chǎng)的基本面繼續向好及全球政治經(jīng)濟局勢動(dòng)蕩不定,地區沖突不斷,預計后市金價(jià)仍有上漲空聞。
- Analyses of the world gold market and mining industry at the IT age 信息技術(shù)時(shí)代的黃金市場(chǎng)與金礦業(yè)淺析
- The gold market is where frightened people go. 黃金市場(chǎng)是驚慌失措的人們光顧的市場(chǎng)。
- There is not quite so much activity in the gold market. 黃金市場(chǎng)交易不怎么活躍。
- The bottom fell out of the gold market and the price of gold crashed. 黃金市場(chǎng)降到最低點(diǎn),黃金的價(jià)格開(kāi)始崩潰。
- Twice world gold medalist and American champion Allyson Felix faded to fourth place. 兩次世錦賽金牌得主和美國冠軍阿麗森。費利克斯僅獲得第四名。
- Overall world gold supply was up 14 percent year-on-year to 927 tonnes from 812 tonnes, the WGC said. 世界黃金協(xié)會(huì )亦指,全球整體供應以年計由812噸上升14%25至927噸。
- Paralympic Games in 11 days, China ranks first in the world gold medal, our country once again from 2008 Maxthon the top in the world. 殘奧會(huì )11天,中國金牌名列世界第一,我們的國家從08年再度傲游在世界頂端。
- The globalization of gold market bring about opportunity and challenge for gold mines. 黃金市場(chǎng)的國際化為黃金礦山企業(yè)帶來(lái)了機遇與挑戰。
- In addition to gold's "safe haven" effect, the World Gold Council pointed out that many parts of the world's inflationary pressure remains high. 除了黃金的“避風(fēng)港”效應之外,世界黃金協(xié)會(huì )指出,世界許多地方的通貨膨脹壓力仍然很大。
- Hong Kong is one of the four major gold markets in the world along with London, New York and Zurich. 香港與倫敦、紐約和蘇黎世共稱(chēng)世界四大黃金市場(chǎng)。
- You get-um!Heap big wampum!"In wow gold market,m is an excellent online store for selling wow gold. 其前身是沈陽(yáng)市天星測控技術(shù)研究所,產(chǎn)品遍布中國除澳門(mén)以外所有省市,并遠銷(xiāo)五大洲20多個(gè)國家。
- Omdurman in the gold market, the most eye-catching is that many large high value of gold. 在恩圖曼黃金市場(chǎng)上,最為引人注目的是那許許多多價(jià)值高昂的大件金飾。
- Latest World Gold Council quarterly demand statistics showed that gold jewellery offtake has improved over the past four quarters despite a higher gold price. 最新世界黃金協(xié)會(huì )的季度需求統計數據顯示,盡管金價(jià)上升,黃金珠寶需求在過(guò)去四個(gè)季度中依舊明顯改善。
- The World Gold Council (WGC) has just reported that India, the world's biggest consumer of gold, may import less metal than expected this year due to higher prices. 世界黃金協(xié)會(huì )最新報道指出,印度作為世界上最大的黃金消費國,由于高企的價(jià)格,今年進(jìn)口的數量可能低于先前的預期。
- Speculators in New York tried to capitalize on the inflated price of gold in relation to paper currency by corning the gold market. 紐約的投機者試圖投資與紙幣相比價(jià)格飛漲的黃金來(lái)壟斷黃金市場(chǎng)。
- India's gold imports fell 83% in the first quarter as higher prices and deteriorating domestic economic conditions dented consumer demand, the World Gold Council said. 世界黃金協(xié)會(huì )公布,印度黃金入口于第一季急跌83%25,主要原因是金價(jià)偏高及內部經(jīng)濟環(huán)境轉差影響需求。
- According to the chief executive of AngloGold Ashanti, Bobby Godsell, the gold market is stronger than it has been for the last 30 years, MiningMX.com reports. 根據安格路黃金公司的首席執行官鮑比歌德賽所說(shuō),黃金市場(chǎng)比以前近三十年來(lái)更加好。
- The research achievements and the developing trend in the technology,reagents,flowsheets, equipment and theory of the world gold flotation are reviewed. 綜述了浮選法選金在浮選工藝、藥劑、流程、設備以及浮選理論等方面的研究成果及發(fā)展趨勢。
- This success of radial drilling machine manufacturer, to further consolidate the company's "Czech" brace gold market leading position. 這臺搖臂鉆床的成功制造,進(jìn)一步鞏固了公司“中捷”金牌搖鉆產(chǎn)品的市場(chǎng)領(lǐng)先地位。