- Also, the tireless work of rescue and recovery must be relentless and exhausting, but it is always so inspiring to see how people help people in a crisis. 不停歇的搜救工作一定令人疲憊,但是看到人們互相攙扶著(zhù)渡過(guò)難關(guān),永遠是激勵人心的事。
- Neurosurgery engaged in the work of 25 years, the neurosurgical diseases and diseases related to the diagnosis, treatment, rescue and rich clinical experience. 從事神經(jīng)外科工作25年,對神經(jīng)外科系統疾病及相關(guān)疾病的診斷、治療與搶救有著(zhù)豐富的臨床經(jīng)驗。
- The hydropower planning is the first link of the antecedent work of hydropower development and is an important work relating to the strategic goals and arrangement of hydropower. 水電規劃是水電建設前期工作的首要環(huán)節,是關(guān)系水電戰略目標和戰略布局的一項重要工作。
- Several strong men fell upon him and made short work of him. 幾條大漢撲了過(guò)來(lái),把他給干掉了。
- COSPAS-SARSAT system is one part of the GMDSS,which plays an important role in aspect of rescue and salvage at sea. 全球衛星搜救系統(COSPAS-SARSAT)是GMDSS的組成部分之一,在海上救助方面發(fā)揮了非常重要的作用。
- The type,number,and arrangement of a set of teeth. 牙列,齒系牙床的類(lèi)型、數目和安排。
- By and large the work of the news agency is appreciative. 一般而論這家新聞社的工作是讓人感激的。
- Public security fire brigades,except guaranteeing to carry out fire fighting and rescue work as stipulated in this law,should also do rescue and relief work of other disasters or accidents. 公安消防隊除保證完成本法規定的火災撲救工作外,還應當參加其他災害或者事故的搶險救援工作。
- The emergency nursing learns to have becnmc an acodemics of rescue and nursing for acute disease,acute wound and chronic dis- ease. 急診護理學(xué)已成為急性病、急性創(chuàng )傷、慢性病急性發(fā)作及危重病人的搶救與護理的一門(mén)學(xué)科。
- Marc A. Franklin Matthew Ploeger, Of Rescue and Report: Should Tort Law Impose a Duty to Help Endangered Persons or Abused Children?, 40 Santa Clara Law Review 991, 2000, p.1003. 參見(jiàn)林美惠:《侵權法上交易安全義務(wù)之研究》,臺灣大學(xué)法律學(xué)研究所1999年博士學(xué)位論文。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作為藝術(shù)品這是十分拙劣的。
- The type, number, and arrangement of a set of teeth. 牙列,齒系牙床的類(lèi)型、數目和安排
- He undid most of the good work of his predecessor. 他把前任的大部分業(yè)績(jì)毀掉了。
- The damage to the painting was the work of vandal. 毀壞這幅畫(huà)的事是恣意破壞公物的人干的。
- On content, it lacks of times, pertinence and arrangement. 在內容上缺乏時(shí)代性、針對性和層次性;
- This survey is the work of a real professional. 這份調查是真正內行人做的。
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件藝術(shù)品按任何人的標準都是第一流的。
- We are in sympathy with his plan and arrangement. 我們贊同他的計劃和安排。
- Deep submergence rescue vehicle (DSRV) is one of the main methods of rescuing and ensuring of submarines. Underwater interfacing is the key technique in DSRV rescuing performance. 深潛救生艇(DSRV)是潛艇救援的主要救生和保障手段之一,其中水下對接技術(shù)是深潛救生艇實(shí)施救援的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)。
- The damage to the painting is the work of vandals. 毀壞這幅畫(huà)的事是恣意破壞公物的人干的。