- Kentucky is a world-famous fried chicken chain, at present, Kentucky has already become in the fast food enterprises biggest, with the fastest developing speed of Chinese market. 肯德基是世界著(zhù)名的炸雞連鎖企業(yè),目前,肯德基已成為在中國市場(chǎng)最大、發(fā)展最快的快餐企業(yè)。
- Our company is one of those who have most mini excavator models and full-lined series, and fastest developing speed in the field of mini excavators, ranking fifth in among China mini excavator manufacturers. 我公司是目前中國國內少數幾家專(zhuān)業(yè)生產(chǎn)小型挖掘機種類(lèi)最全,型號最多,發(fā)展速度最快的廠(chǎng)家之一,綜合排名居國內同行業(yè)第五位。
- Vietnam is the country with the fastest developing speed in Lancangjiang-Mekong River Sub-region (GMS) and the related statistical data in recent twenty years show that the energy demand increases higher than its annual GDP. 摘要越南是GMS中發(fā)展速度最快的國家,近20年來(lái)的統計資料表明越南的能源需求持續以高于其GDP的年增長(cháng)率遞增。
- Along with fast development and compact combination of both computer technology and communication technology , computer networks technology are promoted to develop at very fast speed. 隨著(zhù)計算機技術(shù)和通信技術(shù)的飛速發(fā)展與緊密結合,促進(jìn)了計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò )技術(shù)的高速發(fā)展。
- At present, CD-R has rearched the development crest, but DVD-R has become the pioneer of the new teneration recordable media undoubrablly with the fast development speed. 目前CD-R已經(jīng)達到了發(fā)展的顫峰,而DVD-R正在以不容置疑的迅猛發(fā)展速度成為新一代記錄媒體的先鋒。
- With fast development of computer technology and maturation of CFD method, CFD plays an increasingly important role in the design and analysis of advanced turbomachinery. 由于計算機技術(shù)的飛速發(fā)展和CFD方法的日趨成熟,CFD在透平設計和分析領(lǐng)域與傳統的理論研究和試驗一起起著(zhù)重要的作用。
- With fast development of our country, infrastructure construction and westdevelopment, Shanghai Pin An, progressing with tide, is marching into the worldfamous list with irrestitable pace. 隨著(zhù)我國大力發(fā)展基礎設施和西部大開(kāi)發(fā)與時(shí)俱進(jìn)的上海平安,正以不可阻擋的步伐躋身于國內知名企業(yè)的行列。
- The concept is an unlikely fit with fast food. “風(fēng)水”理念與快餐似乎風(fēng)馬牛不相及。
- I always associate him with fast cars. 我總是由他聯(lián)想到高速汽車(chē)。
- SCU looks China as the most promising and potential market with fasted development and is seeking for more projects and partners in China. 勝科公用事業(yè)視中國為最有朝氣、最具潛力、最快發(fā)展的市場(chǎng),正在積極尋求合作伙伴并且不斷地開(kāi)發(fā)新的投資項目。
- Golden colour with fast rising bubbles. 金色的外貌,氣泡快速上升。
- Concentrate on developing SPEED, then POWER and ALWAYS ACCURACY! 著(zhù)重于提高速度,然后是力量,始終保持準確!
- Telecommunications has become one of the fastest developing sectors in China. 電信成為發(fā)展最快的產(chǎn)業(yè)之一。
- Its application shows that the operation is simple with fast speed and high accuracy. 應用該軟件進(jìn)行切削數據采集與處理,不僅速度快、精度高,而且操作十分簡(jiǎn)單。
- Remedy II - Small heal with fast 2 second casting time. 2秒釋放時(shí)間的小治療。
- Guangdong has been one of the fastest developing areas in the world. 廣東是世界上發(fā)展速度最快的地區之一。
- But the developmental speed is not smoothly. 但在發(fā)展的速度上并不平均。
- Remedy III - Moderate heal with fast 2 second casting time. 2秒釋放時(shí)間的中等治療。
- The Romanian rowers pulled ahead with fast, powerful strokes. 羅馬尼亞劃漿手以快速有力的劃水占據了領(lǐng)先位置。
- With the fast developing of internet/Intranet, more and more applications run on Internet/Intranet . 伴隨著(zhù)Internet/Intranet的飛速發(fā)展 ,越來(lái)越多的應用軟件運行于Internet/Intranet環(huán)境下。