- It is not correct to think of the wind tunnel having uniform flow. 設想風(fēng)洞具有均勻的氣流是不正確的。
- The planes survived the wind tunnel test intact. 這些紙飛機在測試風(fēng)道中絲毫未損。
- Setting very low speeds in a wind tunnel is always a vexatious problem. 在風(fēng)洞中調出低風(fēng)速來(lái)始終是一個(gè)麻煩問(wèn)題。
- It should be noted that a balance is not always required in a wind tunnel. 應該指出,天平對風(fēng)洞來(lái)說(shuō)并非是絕對必須的。
- The aerodynamics characteristics of this airfoil is studied in wind tunnel. 進(jìn)行了翼型的低速氣動(dòng)力性能研究,為附面層特性研究提供了方向。 結果表明,該翼型具有較好的升阻和俯仰特性,但失速特性差。
- The wind tunnel is produced under a technical cooperation agreement with Ford Co of US. 風(fēng)洞機是根據與美國福特公司的技術(shù)合作協(xié)議生產(chǎn)的。
- Any flight test and wind tunnel correlation always suffers from a great number of unknowns. 在對飛行試驗與風(fēng)洞試驗進(jìn)行比較時(shí)總有大量的未知數。
- wind tunnel wall interference correction 洞壁干擾修
- The experiments were conducted in a wind tunnel at a location 50 ft downwind from the fan. 實(shí)驗是在風(fēng)洞中距離風(fēng)機50英尺處進(jìn)行。
- The damping derivatives can only be determined experimentally in the wind tunnel or ballistic range. 阻尼導數只能用風(fēng)洞或彈道試驗來(lái)確定。
- In the experiment under the 20 m/s wind tunnel conditions, the wind abrasion modulus is almost zero. 在每秒20米的風(fēng)洞實(shí)驗中,吹蝕模數幾乎為零。
- In this paper, the initial stage in application of fuzzy logic to aircraft high-angle-of attack aerodynamics using wind tunnel test data is outlined. 本文概述最初階段利用風(fēng)洞試驗數據應用模糊邏輯研究飛機大攻角空氣動(dòng)力學(xué)的情況。
- In the experiment under the 20 m/s wind tunnel conditions,the wind abrasion modulus is almost zero. 在每秒20米的風(fēng)洞實(shí)驗中,吹蝕模數幾乎為零。
- NASA and Boeing said data from the flight are already being compared with data from wind tunnel tests. NASA和波音公司的數據說(shuō),從飛行正在與風(fēng)洞試驗數據。
- The design method has successfully solved the problem of design and matching of Swivel Table for Sand-Dirt Wind Tunnel. 所提出的設計方法成功地解決風(fēng)洞轉臺的設計與匹配問(wèn)題,有效地縮短了設計周期。
- The experimental results of low temperature ablator (beeswax and camphor) tests in the hypersonic wind Tunnel are presented in this paper. 本文給出了低溫燒蝕材料的高超聲速風(fēng)洞燒蝕實(shí)驗研究的結果。
- As part of this effort, an integrated scramjet model is about to begin testing at up to Mach 5.6 in a new wind tunnel in Beijing. 作為該項工作的一部分,一個(gè)可達5.;6馬赫的綜合沖壓模型即將在北京的一個(gè)新的風(fēng)洞內開(kāi)始測試。
- Both types of tests have been explored in wind tunnels. 這兩種形式的試驗都已在風(fēng)洞中進(jìn)行過(guò)探索。
- Aeroelasticity Matters: Some reflections on Two Decades of Testing in the NASA Lanley Transonic Dynamics wind Tunnel. 氣動(dòng)彈性問(wèn)題:nasa蘭利跨聲速動(dòng)力學(xué)風(fēng)洞20年試驗的幾點(diǎn)思考。
- A flow passage in a wind tunnel that decelerates a stream of gas or liquid from a high to a low velocity. 擴散道風(fēng)洞中的氣流變遷,將會(huì )調整度的氣體或液體流降到低速