- Under his leadership we win one victory after another. 在他的領(lǐng)導下,我們取得一個(gè)又一個(gè)的勝利。
- We have won one victory after another. 我們取得一個(gè)又一個(gè)的勝利。
- We won one victory after another for our cause. 我們的事業(yè)從勝利走向勝利。
- Under his leadership we won one victory after another. 在他的領(lǐng)導下,我們取得一個(gè)又一個(gè)的勝利。
- Under his leadership we won one victory after another . 在他的領(lǐng)導下,我們取得了一個(gè)又一個(gè)的勝利。
- "Our socialist fortress is invulnerable and our revolutionary cause is sure to win one victory after another as we have these steel-like elite ranks," Kim said, according to KCNA. “我們的社會(huì )主義是堅不可摧的堡壘,我們的革命事業(yè)是一定要贏(yíng)得一個(gè)又一個(gè)勝利,因為我們有這些鋼鐵般的精英隊伍, ” 金正日說(shuō),根據朝中社的報道。
- After the Normandy Landing the allied forces won one victory after another. 諾曼底登陸成功后,盟軍軍威大震。
- Our information technology has won one brilliant victory after another. 我們的信息技術(shù)取得了一個(gè)又一個(gè)輝煌勝利。
- We have won one victory after another in the struggle against the enemy. 我們同敵人的斗爭取得了一個(gè)又一個(gè)勝利。
- The Liu-Guan-Zhang alliance later won one battle after another thanks to the advice of Xu Shu. 后來(lái)得徐庶幫助,連打勝仗。
- The Liu-Guan-Zhang alliance later won one battle after another thanks.to the advice of Xu Shu. 后來(lái)得徐庶幫助,連打勝仗。
- He rode roughshod over one opponent after another. 他把他的對手一個(gè)接一個(gè)地擊敗了。
- The old sailor reeled off one story after another. 老海員滔滔不絕地講了一個(gè)又一個(gè)故事。
- It is exactly because we have had Marxism-Leninism,Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory as the guide,is it possible for our Party to lead the people in overcoming all hardships and setbacks and winning one victory after another. 正因為有了馬克思列寧主義、毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論的指導,我們黨才能帶領(lǐng)人民戰勝一切艱難挫折,取得一個(gè)又一個(gè)勝利。
- The lights went out one after another. 電燈一個(gè)接一個(gè)滅了。
- We win victory one after another. 我們贏(yíng)得了一個(gè)又一個(gè)的勝利。
- In the second 80-year period,the Chinese people,under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,have got united and unprecedentedly organized,overcame numerous difficulties and won one victory after another in their revolutionary struggle. 在后八十年中,中國人民在中國共產(chǎn)黨的領(lǐng)導下空前團結和組織起來(lái),沖破重重難關(guān),革命斗爭不斷勝利;
- After being led by him, one innovation after another are showing. 從他領(lǐng)導后,一個(gè)又一個(gè)革新項目出現了。
- But I know of one way not to win one. 但我知道有一種方法是得不了獎的。
- It is exactly because we have had Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory as the guide, is it possible for our Party to lead the people in overcoming all hardships and setbacks and winning one victory after another. 正因為有了馬克思列寧主義、毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論的指導,我們黨才能帶領(lǐng)人民戰勝一切艱難挫折,取得一個(gè)又一個(gè)勝利。