- What should be thought about the research of orogenic belt when we are in the face of the challenge of geoscience and the demands of the sustainable develop of human beings? 面對社會(huì )與地學(xué)的發(fā)展及需求,作為地質(zhì)科學(xué)研究最基本主要領(lǐng)域的造山帶研究,應如何思考?
- I burst upon an idea of what should be done next. 我突然知道了下一步應該做什么事情。
- Unit embezzle part of what should be issued my salary, I think of labor bureau to complain, but city and area have labor bureau, should I arrive which labor bureau is complained? 單位克扣我的工資,我想到勞動(dòng)局投訴,但是市和區都有勞動(dòng)局,我應到哪個(gè)勞動(dòng)局投訴?
- What should be our general line of action? 我們的行動(dòng)方案應該怎樣呢?
- What should be the validity of the L/C? 信用證應該多長(cháng)時(shí)間有效?
- He is not a fit person to decide what should be done. 他不是一個(gè)決定作什么事情的合適人選。
- In the definition in you " is overfatigue dead " what should be? 在你的定義里“過(guò)勞死”應該是什么?
- Therefore, the long-term bladder stones occur when hematuria, bladder cancer should be thought of sleep state and, if necessary, line cystoscopy and biopsy. 因此,長(cháng)期膀胱結石出現血尿時(shí),應想到膀胱癌的入眠狀態(tài),必要時(shí)行膀胱鏡檢查及活檢。
- What should be done to assure adequate supplies of energy? 怎樣才能保證足夠的能源供應?
- What should be done to achieve the goals of the new round? 要實(shí)現新一輪多邊貿易談判的目標應該做些什么?
- The law prescribes what should be done. 法律規定什么是該做的。
- If there should be a flood, what should we do? 萬(wàn)一發(fā)生水災我們怎么辦?
- What should be the main issue at this conference? 這次全軍政治工作會(huì )議要著(zhù)重解決什么問(wèn)題呢?
- We are identical in our views of what should be done. 我們雙方對應當怎么辦的看法是一致的。
- If there should be a flood,what should we do? 萬(wàn)一發(fā)生水災我們怎么辦?
- What should be researched in knowledge management? 知識管理應當研究什么?
- What should be said in his cover letter? 在他的求職信上應該寫(xiě)些什么?
- What should be said in his follow-up letter? 在他的后續信上應該寫(xiě)些什么?
- What should be the punishment?; What punishment do you think you deserve? 該當何罪?
- We consulted as to what should be done next. 我們計議一下, 下一步該怎么辦。