
[wel]     [wel]    
  • adv. 很好地;相當地
  • int. 好吧;啊
  • adj. 健康的;良好的;適宜的
  • n. 井;源泉;樓梯井
  • v. 涌出
better best welled welled welling wells



adv. (副詞)
  1. 很,相當
  2. 好,很好地
  3. 徹底地,完全地,成分地
  4. 很可能
  5. 滿意地
  6. 有理由地
  7. 適當地,合適地
  8. 成功地
  9. 正好
  10. 足夠
int. (感嘆詞)
  1. (表示驚訝、默許、同意、規勸、無可奈何等的感嘆詞)哎呀!這個!好吧!喂!
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 健康的,痊愈的,健全的
  2. 令人滿意的
  3. 恰當的,合適的
  4. 正好的
  5. 好的,良好的
  6. 可取的
n. (名詞)
  1. 井,水井,油井,氣井
  2. 【建】樓梯井
  3. 采光井,通風井
  4. 來源,源泉,源頭
  5. 阱,深坑,豎井
  6. 泉水
  7. 坑,穴
v. (動詞)
  1. 涌出,涌上,涌流,噴出
  2. 使涌出,使噴出,使流出


adv. (副詞)
  1. 好,對,滿意地; 友好地,和藹地; 徹底地,完全地 in a good, kind, right or satisfactory manner; thoroughly or completely
  2. 夸獎地,稱贊地 with praise or approval
  3. 有理由地,恰當地 justly; wisely; properly
  4. 很,相當 much; quite
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 健康 in good health
  2. [P] 滿意,滿足 in a satisfactory state or position
  3. [P] 可取,相宜 advisable or desirable
int. (感嘆詞)
  1. 啊!唷 ! (an expression of surprise)
  2. 這個,好,哦,啊 (used for introducing an expression of surprise, doubt, acceptance, etc.)
  3. 于是 (used when continuing a story)
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 井,水井 a place where water can be taken from underground
  2. [C] 泉 spring or fount
v. (動詞)
  1. vi. (像泉水般)流出,涌出 flow or rise like water from a well


  1. a deep hole or shaft dug or drilled to obtain water or oil or gas or brine

  2. a cavity or vessel used to contain liquid

  3. an abundant source;

    "she was a well of information"

  4. an open shaft through the floors of a building (as for a stairway)

  5. an enclosed compartment in a ship or plane for holding something as e.g. fish or a plane's landing gear or for protecting something as e.g. a ship's pumps

  1. in good health especially after having suffered illness or injury;

    "appears to be entirely well"
    "the wound is nearly well"
    "a well man"
    "I think I'm well; at least I feel well"

  2. resulting favorably;

    "it's a good thing that I wasn't there"
    "it is good that you stayed"
    "it is well that no one saw you"
    "all's well that ends well"

  3. wise or advantageous and hence advisable;

    "it would be well to start early"

  1. (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well');

    "the children behaved well"
    "a task well done"
    "the party went well"
    "he slept well"
    "a well-argued thesis"
    "a well-seasoned dish"
    "a well-planned party"
    "the baby can walk pretty good"

  2. thoroughly or completely; fully; often used as a combining form;

    "The problem is well understood"
    "she was well informed"
    "shake well before using"
    "in order to avoid food poisoning be sure the meat is well cooked"
    "well-done beef"
    "well-satisfied customers"

  3. indicating high probability; in all likelihood;

    "I might well do it"
    "a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster"
    "you may well need your umbrella"
    "he could equally well be trying to deceive us"

  4. (used for emphasis or as an intensifier) entirely or fully;

    "a book well worth reading"
    "was well aware of the difficulties ahead"
    "suspected only too well what might be going on"

  5. to a suitable or appropriate extent or degree;

    "the project was well underway"
    "the fetus has well developed organs"
    "his father was well pleased with his grades"

  6. favorably; with approval;

    "their neighbors spoke well of them"
    "he thought well of the book"

  7. to a great extent or degree;

    "I'm afraid the film was well over budget"
    "painting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger"
    "the house has fallen considerably in value"
    "the price went up substantially"

  8. with great or especially intimate knowledge;

    "we knew them well"

  9. with prudence or propriety;

    "You would do well to say nothing more"
    "could not well refuse"

  10. with skill or in a pleasing manner;

    "she dances well"
    "he writes well"

  11. in a manner affording benefit or advantage;

    "she married well"
    "The children were settled advantageously in Seattle"

  12. in financial comfort;

    "They live well"
    "she has been able to live comfortably since her husband died"

  13. without unusual distress or resentment; with good humor;

    "took the joke well"
    "took the tragic news well"

  1. come up, as of a liquid;

    "Tears well in her eyes"
    "the currents well up"



用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. She speaks English very well.
  2. I can't sleep well because the tap is dripping.
  3. It was well worth waiting for.
用作感嘆詞 (int.)
  1. Let me think for a minute. Well, I guess so.
  2. Well, who would have thought it?
    噯, 誰想得到是這樣啊?
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. Is she well enough to travel?
    她身體康復, 能夠旅行了嗎?
  2. We're very well where we are.
  3. It would be well to start early.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The police found the lost treasure in an abandoned well.
  2. She has the well of enthusiasm.
  3. She went up through the dark well of the house.


用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. Do you eat well at school?
  2. I hope your plans go well.
  3. He was well fed up with the neighbour's empty talk.
  4. The plan didn't work out very well.
  5. He's sure to do well in the exams if he keeps on studying at that rate.
  6. She did well by me.
  7. This young man should do well, and may even rise to great fame.
  8. Think well before you act.
  9. He works well together with them.
  10. Such behaviour does not sit well with them.
  11. I know him well.
  12. They treated me very well.
  13. They learn English well.
  14. Examine the account well before you pay it.
  15. He's always done his job extremely well.
  16. The boss thinks well of Jack.
  17. You may well look ashamed of yourself.
  18. You may well be right.
  19. You may quite well give illness as an excuse.
  20. I can't very well leave now.
  21. I couldn't very well refuse to help them.
  22. He arrived well within the time.
  23. He was leaning well forward in his chair.
  24. He must be well over forty years of age.
  25. He is well past forty.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
用作定語 ~+ n.
  1. I don't think he is really a well man.
用作表語 S+be+~
  1. The doctor says you'll be well again in a few days.
  2. We are very well where we are.
  3. All is not well in this country.
  4. The building looks well.
S+be+~+ prep .-phrase
  1. All is not well with her since she lost her money.
  2. All is well with the family.
  3. Anyone who wishes to be well with her must praise her children.
It is/was+~+(for sb+) to- v
  1. It might be well for you to see a doctor.
  2. It's all very well for you to suggest a skiing holiday, but I'm the one who will have to pay for it.
  3. It's all very well for you to talk like that, since you don't have to cope with those difficulties.
  4. It would have been well to ask for his advice.
  5. It would be well to start early.
It is/was+~+(that-)clause
  1. It is well that you didn't go.
  2. It's well the children didn't see what happened.
用作感嘆詞 (int.)
  1. Well, who could have thought that he was so unreliable?
  2. Well, here we are at last.
  3. Well, is he coming or not after all?
  4. Well, what come next?
  5. Well, let me see.
  6. Well,I'm not sure I can afford it.
  7. Well, well!if you want to go, go.I shall not try to stop you.
  8. Well!Look at that amazing sight!
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. I drew water from the well.
  2. There are several oil wells in the North Sea.
  3. The village water comes from a well.
  4. A book is a well of knowledge.


用作副詞 (adv.)
as well (as)
    也,還有 too; besides
be well out of
    擺脫了…很幸運 be fortunate that one is not involved in sth
do well out of
    得益 profit by
go well with
    相配,調協 harmonize with
may as well do
    做某事倒也無妨 in the circumstances, no harm to will come from doing sth
mean well
    對某人有好意 have good intentions (though perhaps not the will or capacity to carry them out); have kindly intentions towards sb
promise well
    顯示出成功的跡象; 前景很好 show signs of success
speak well for
    對…有利 be evidence in favour of
speak well of
    說…的好話,稱贊 praise sb
wear well
    經久耐用 be durable; be able to stand wear and tear
well and truly
    確實地 thoroughly
well off
    幸運的,生活寬裕的 in a fortunate situation or wealthy
well up in〔on〕
    對…很精通 well informed about sth
wish well
    希望交好運〔健康〕 hope that sb will have good luck or health, etc.; express support for sb
    wish sb well

    I wish you well in your future with the other firm.


    She has a pleasant nature and seems to wish everyone well.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
all well and good
    好倒是好(但也有不如意處) satisfactory (though other things may not be satisfactory)
(just) as well
    倒也不錯,也相宜 prudent or appropriate
用作感嘆詞 (int.)
well I never did
    真想不到 (exclamation of surprise)
用作動詞 (v.)
well out (v.+adv.)
    涌出,流出 flow freely
    well out from sth

    Blood welled out from the cut.


    well out of sth

    Oil welled out of the ground.


well over (v.+adv.)
    溢出 overflow (the edge of a container)
    well over

    She poured too much milk in the glass, and it welled over.


    His heart welled over with joy.


well up (v.+adv.)
    涌出 rise
    well up

    She was so angry that the tears welled up.


    Happiness welled up inside me.


    Tears welled up in her eyes.


    Anger was welling up in him.



用作副詞 (adv.)
動詞+~ 副詞+~
用作形容詞 (adj.)
副詞+~ 動詞+~ ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • A fountain in a waste, A well of water in a country dry.

    出自: E. Muir
  • She saw..that all was not well with him.

    出自: W. Irving
  • Fifty eggs, not new laid, but still well enough.

    出自: P. S. Buck
  • All's well that ends well.

  • Through his clothes fresh blood came welling up with every heart-beat.

    出自: J. Reed
  • Maria watched the tears welling in Helene's eyes.

    出自: J. Didion
  • New peace and happiness welled up inside her.

    出自: S. Chitty
  • A thick brown liquid welled up and quickly filled the hollow.

    出自: M. Leitch
  • By acting well, And understanding, I should..love The end of life.

    出自: Wordsworth



adv. (副詞)
  1. well是一個常見的副詞,其基本意思是“好”,用來說明事情做得很好,達到一定的水準或程度,也可表示“對,滿意地,友好地,和藹地,徹底地,完全地,夸獎地,稱贊地”等,通常置于實義動詞之后,若是及物動詞則要放在直接賓語之后。
  2. well也可作“有理由地,恰當地,合理地,可能地,明智地”解,多用于can, could, may或might之后。
  3. well還可作“很,相當”解,指達到相當的程度。
  4. well的比較級為better,最高級為best。
  5. well作“很,相當”“徹底地,完全地”“有理由地,恰當地,合理地,可能地,明智地”解時不用于比較等級。
  6. well在句中作狀語,可修飾動態動詞、靜態動詞或介詞短語。
adj. (形容詞)
  1. well用作形容詞的基本意思是“健康”,表示健康狀況,在句中可用作定語,也可用作表語。
  2. well也可作“令人滿意的,滿足”解,在句中通常用作表語。
  3. well還可作“可取,相宜”解,在句中通常用作表語。
  4. well可用very修飾,比較級為better,最高級為best。
  5. well作“好,滿意”“正好,最適當”“幸好,還好”解時無比較級和最高級形式。
  6. well還可用在諷刺、抱怨等語氣中,作為表明反對意見以前的初步退讓。
int. (感嘆詞)
  1. well用作感嘆詞,用在表示驚訝、猶豫、疑惑、同意、接受或繼續講故事等場合中,可譯作“啊,唷”“這個,好,哦”“于是”等。
n. (名詞)
  1. well用作名詞的基本意思是“井,水井”,引申可表示“似井的空間”,如建筑物中的樓梯或電梯通道。
  2. well也作“泉”解,用于比喻可指“某事物的源泉或來源”。
v. (動詞)
  1. well用作動詞的意思是“(像泉水般)流出,涌出,噴出”。
  2. well是不及物動詞,常與副詞out, over, up連用。


adv. (副詞)
well, good, goodly
  • 這組形容詞的共同意思是“好的”。其區別是:
  • 1.good可指人或物的“好”,使用廣泛; well專指人身體“健康的”,也指“良好的”“幸運的”; goodly指某物是“質量好的”“極好的”,也可指某人或某物是“好看的”“漂亮的”。例如:
  • I am very well, thank you.謝謝你,我身體很好。
  • So far as I know, things are well with them now.據我所知,現在他們事事順利。
  • A beautiful car is a goodly gift.一輛漂亮的小車是上等禮品。
  • The table spread with food made a goodly sign.擺滿了食物的桌子顯得非常美觀。
  • John is a goodly youth.約翰是一個漂亮的青年。
  • 2.good可作表語,也可作定語; well只能作表語。
  • as well, also, besides, either, moreover, too
  • 這組詞(組)都有“也,此外,還有”的意思。其區別是:
  • also一般用于肯定句,有強調意味,位于主謂語之間,即實義動詞之前,助動詞之后; too只用于肯定句中,一般位于句末,比also更口語化; either一般只用于否定句,多位于句末; as well和too一樣多用于口語,放在句末; besides與moreover詞義基本相同,但moreover后面所敘述的,通常比前面所敘述更為重要或更深入一步,在詞序方面, moreover往往用于句首,另外, moreover是較為正式的用語。例如:
  • He also asked to go.他也要去。
  • I can also do it.我也能干那個活。
  • English is not easy, and French is not easy either.英語不容易,法語也不容易。
  • He is a teacher, and a writer as well.他是個教師,也是個作家。
  • I don't like those shoes; besides, they're too expensive.那雙鞋我不喜歡,而且也太貴。
  • I don't like skating; moreover, the ice is too thin.我不想去溜冰,再說冰層也太薄。
  • The Opposition have consistently accused the Government of corruption.Moreover, they have named names.反對黨一直在指責政府腐敗,而且是指名道姓的。
  • adj. (形容詞)
    well, fit, healthy
  • 這三個詞都可以表示“身體健康”。其區別是:
  • healthy側重有益于健康的條件或者是健康人的外部征象;fit指人的身體狀況良好,尤其是指因經常鍛煉而顯得健康;well一般指人在特定場合下身體良好,常用來回答有關健康的詢問。例如:
  • He stays so fit because he often goes to keep-fit classes.他之所以能保持健康是因為他經常去上健身課。
  • I think I'll go to bed. I don't feel well at all.我要睡覺去了,我感到很不舒服。
  • well, fine, good, nice
  • 這組詞都有“好”的意思。其區別在于:good意為“好”,常用詞,含義很廣,一般用作定語和表語; fine主要指質量、特點、能力方面的“好”,語氣比good強,也可指健康狀況,相當于well; nice指某人或某物能取悅他人的感官,使人感到喜悅,感到舒適; well主要指人的健康狀況好,只用作表語,有時也可指情況狀態正常,良好。例如:
  • He is a man of good family.他是一個家世很好的人。
  • He is living in a fine house.他住在一幢華麗的房子里。
  • We had a very nice trip to the Jiangnan Park yesterday.昨天我們去江南公園暢游了一番。
  • well, good, goodly
  • 這組形容詞的共同意思是“好的”。其區別是:
  • 1.good可指人或物的“好”,使用廣泛; well專指人身體“健康的”,也指“良好的”“幸運的”; goodly指某物是“質量好的”“極好的”,也可指某人或某物是“好看的”“漂亮的”。例如:
  • I am very well, thank you.謝謝你,我身體很好。
  • So far as I know, things are well with them now.據我所知,現在他們事事順利。
  • A beautiful car is a goodly gift.一輛漂亮的小車是上等禮品。
  • The table spread with food made a goodly sign.擺滿了食物的桌子顯得非常美觀。
  • John is a goodly youth.約翰是一個漂亮的青年。
  • 2.good可作表語,也可作定語; well只能作表語。
  • well, hale, healthy, robust, sound
  • 這組詞都可表示“身體健康”。其區別是:
  • sound強調表現無任何身體或精神缺陷; hale指老年人繼續保持壯年時期的體質; healthy表示身體或精神充滿活力的,沒有任何疾病或病態跡象; robust指肌肉發達,結實,聲音洪亮,耐久力強等方面所表現的活力; well僅表示沒有病。例如:
  • His father, though an old man, was still hale.他父親雖已是老年人了,但仍很健壯。
  • Rose has a family with four healthy, active boys.羅斯的家有四個健康活潑的男孩。
  • Mr. Wang was looking robust and full of health and vigor.王先生看樣子很強壯,充滿健康活力。
  • He stayed well amidst disease and poverty.在貧窮和疾病的環境中他保持著良好的狀態。
  • 下面兩個句子的意思不同:
  • She feels good.
  • 她感到滿意。
  • She feels well.
  • 她顯得健康。
  • 常見錯誤

    adv. (副詞)

      She not only sings, she as well plays the piano.

      She not only sings, she plays the piano as well.

      as well和too同義,在肯定句中as well表示“也”,但通常放在句末。


      The teacher as well as the students are interested in the talk.

      The teacher as well as the students is interested in the talk.

      as well as可以起并列連詞的作用,相當于and,但在并列兩個主語時,謂語動詞要和第一個主語保持一致。


      The book is very worth reading.

      The book is well worth reading.

      be worth這種系表結構的程度狀語的修飾用well,而不能用very。

    adj. (形容詞)

      I don't feel very good today.

      I don't feel very well today.



      He is a well man.

      He is a healthy man.



    • ☆ 直接源自古英語的wel;最初源自古日耳曼語的wel,意為普通,一起。
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