- Bartons bandage巴爾通氏繃帶
- Frickes bandage弗里克氏繃帶
- wear這個(gè)動(dòng)詞用以表示穿衣物, 包括戴手套、 圍巾, 還用于系腰帶、 戴眼鏡, 甚至噴灑香水We wear clothes, including gloves and scarves, also belts, spectacles, even perfume on our bodies
- Round-upRound - up
- Round-Robin法Round-Robin method
- round()函數將整數值映射為xs:decimal。The round() function maps integer values to xs: decimal.
- prowl(about,round)指野獸覓食或罪犯伺機行竊Prowl(about,around,etc)suggests a wild animal or criminal looking for food or for something to steal
- skulk(about,round)指含怒或含罪惡目的窺伺可乘之機Skulk(about,around,etc)refers to someone angrily or guiltily waiting out of sight,possibly intending to do something bad
- 下面的代碼示例使用Round來(lái)幫助計算給定梯形的內角。The following code sample uses Round to assist in the computation of the inner angles of a given trapezoid.
- 在這個(gè)舉例中我們通過(guò)round()方法將不同的數字四舍五入了In this example we will round different numbers with the round() method
- 盡管該代碼示例對小數進(jìn)行舍入,但Round方法以類(lèi)似的方式對雙精度浮點(diǎn)數進(jìn)行舍入。Although the code example rounds decimal numbers, the Round method rounds double-precision floating-point numbers in a similar way.
- 設計了一種新型一維周期缺陷接地結構(Defected G round Structure,DGS)微帶線(xiàn)。A new one-dimensional periodic defected ground structure(DGS) for microstrip line is presented in this paper.
- 例如,可以使用表達式ROUND(SalesTax,2)將數值列SalesTax的值更改為精確到小數點(diǎn)后兩位。For example, you can change the length and precision of a numeric column, SalesTax, to a number with two decimal places, by using the expression ROUND(SalesTax, 2).
- 本文提出了一種新的VoIP業(yè)務(wù)流調度機制(RR-RED),通過(guò)隨機早期檢測(RED)和輪循機制(Round Robin)控制主動(dòng)丟包。This paper proposes a new queuing scheduling mechanism for VoIP queues ,which coordinate RED and Round Robin management to drop packets advisedly.
- [常用 Kennedy round]肯尼迪回合 (美國第35任總統肯尼迪1962年發(fā)起的對西歐共同市場(chǎng)之間的談判, 目的為打破六國關(guān)稅壁壘以擴大美國出口)Kennedy Round
- 針對PFTS交換節點(diǎn)的輸入端口多優(yōu)先級隊列環(huán)境,提出了帶有“借還”思想的加權輪詢(xún)調度算法BR-WRR(Borrow &Return Weighted Round Robin).Authors proposed a Borrow & Return Weighted Round Robin(BR-WRR) algorithm of input scheduling and dispatching in a multiple-priority queue environment in PFTS nodes. In such nodes,there are multi-ports in a DWDM-based PFTS node and each port contains multi-lambdas.
- 在分析了常用的先來(lái)先服務(wù)(FCFS)、時(shí)間片輪轉(Round-Robin) 仲裁機制(服務(wù)規則) 的情況下,提出了一種既高效、又便于工程實(shí)現的仲裁機制: 批算法優(yōu)先It presents an arbitrator,which is not only effective but also easy to implement in engineering,after an analysis of the FCFS and Round Robin mechanisms