- The referee received a warm reception. 裁判員受到了熱情的接待。
- Thank you for your warm reception. 謝謝你們的熱情接待。
- Our product have meet with a warm reception. 我們的產(chǎn)品很受顧客歡迎。
- She graciously thanked us for our warm reception. 他有禮貌地謝謝我們熱忱的接待。
- We visited the kindergarten and got a warm reception. 我們參觀(guān)幼兒園,受到熱情的接待。
- Have the honor of reciprocating your warm reception. 榮幸地答謝您給與的熱情招待。
- The prince was given a warm reception in the State of Qi. 晉文公在齊國得到了很好的接待,齊恒公還把齊國的一個(gè)公主嫁給了他。
- The winning troop received a warm reception in the homeland. 獲勝的隊伍在家鄉受到了熱烈的歡迎.
- This statement met with warm reception from people all over the world . 這一聲明受到全世界人民的熱烈歡迎。
- This statement met with warm reception from people all over the world. 這一聲明受到全世界人民的熱烈歡迎。
- Give a warm reception to the visitor the visitor on behalf of your company. 請代表你的公司熱情接待這位來(lái)訪(fǎng)者參考課文和練習三中的表達法。
- Delegates gave him a warm reception as he called for more spending on education. 由于他呼吁增加教育經(jīng)費,代表們向他報以熱烈的歡迎。
- The sumptuous lobby accents the hotel's grace and style; smooth and warm reception will make you feel at home. 富麗堂皇的大堂,盡顯酒店高貴品位;細致溫情的接待服務(wù),宛發(fā)置身愜意家居。
- Anne gave her old friend a warm reception and hugged her because she had missed her a lot. 安妮非常想念她的老朋友,所以熱情的歡迎并且擁抱了她。
- Unfortunately this design is the result of readying the car for production due to the warm reception of the original. 不幸的是,這種設計的原因是準備用于生產(chǎn)的汽車(chē)由于熱情接待原始.
- Remarking on the warm reception his wife received, the prime minister joked: "Thank goodness we are a team. 談及妻子廣受歡迎,首相開(kāi)玩笑說(shuō):“謝天謝地,我們是一伙的”。
- Sabato says he expects Obama will get a warm reception at most stops on the trip, particularly in Europe. 薩巴托預計奧巴馬在這次出訪(fǎng)的多數國家都會(huì )受到熱烈歡迎,特別是在歐洲。
- The warm reception to the single no doubt helped Britney land a spot opening for ' N Sync, which she did through January 1999. 聽(tīng)眾對這首歌的熱烈歡迎無(wú)疑幫助布里特尼贏(yíng)得了為'Nsync樂(lè )隊做開(kāi)場(chǎng)演出的機會(huì ),整個(gè)1999年1月她都在從事這項工作。
- Upon their arrival, these most honored guests of the day got a warm reception from members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai Soul Interaction Team. 當天上午,清海無(wú)上師心靈工作團隊的志工同修就在道場(chǎng)的大門(mén)口等候,熱誠歡迎他們的到來(lái)。
- At first, on behalf of Kung Fu Delegation, I would like to express warm reception and sincere gratitude to our guests and friends! 首先,我代表中國武當功夫團,向各位嘉賓和觀(guān)眾朋友們,表示熱烈的歡迎和衷心的感謝!