- They got ready to smash their enemy's war plans. 他們做好準備來(lái)粉碎敵人的戰爭計劃。
- Pug Henry was content in the War Plans Division. 帕格?享利安于呆在作戰計劃處。
- Then could you predict what kind of gloabal military action will the US adopt after its Star War plan? 那你能預測美國繼星球大戰計劃后會(huì )再采取什么全球軍事戰略行動(dòng)呢?
- A man believed to be al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri mocks the war plan and vows insurgents will defeat US forces. 美聯(lián)社與美國在線(xiàn)新聞部的最新民意調查顯示,多數美國人認為這位共和黨籍的總統和民主黨掌控的國會(huì )不能協(xié)力解決問(wèn)題。
- In the first version we tried a lot of metaphors: “plane” theme, “site layout plan” and “war plan”. 在第一個(gè)版本在我們嘗試了很多的隱喻:“飛機”的主題,“站點(diǎn)布局規劃”和“戰爭計劃”。
- We made our War Plan icon plain; reduce the details and removed the tin soldier. 我們使我們的戰爭計劃圖標平原;減少細節和移除的錫兵。
- In the Valley of Elah features real live fetterine of the Irap war plan factional characters who give voice to reasons for supporting the effort. 在影片進(jìn)退維谷中,講述的是伊拉克退伍軍人的真實(shí)故事,給了那些支持平衡的人們一個(gè)平臺。
- JOPES is what makes many of the GCCS-J’s functional capabilities available to Joint Staff and Unified commands as their primary conventional war planning tools and capabilities. JOPES使聯(lián)合參謀部和統一司令部可獲得很多GCCS-J的功能能力,作為其傳統作戰規劃工具和能力。
- Within the scope of correct war planning, encouraging the spirit and practice of heroic self-sacrifice and dauntless advance in battle is absolutely necessary and inseparable from the waging of protracted war and the achievement of final victory. 在戰爭中提倡勇敢犧牲英勇向前的精神和動(dòng)作,是在正確的作戰計劃下絕對必要的東西,是同持久戰和最后勝利不能分離的。
- Within the scope of correct war planning,encouraging the spirit and practice of heroic self-sacrifice and dauntless advance in battle is absolutely necessary and inseparable from the waging of protracted war and the achievement of final victory. 在戰爭中提倡勇敢犧牲英勇向前的精神和動(dòng)作,是在正確的作戰計劃下絕對必要的東西,是同持久戰和最后勝利不能分離的。
- War Plan Orange Dreadnoughts i. 戰爭游戲。
- Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense. 那些戰爭計劃有一個(gè)信念為基礎,即進(jìn)攻必然比防守有利。
- Rumsfeld said that even he could not confirm that the war plan existed or not because whether he, his assistant Wolfowitz or Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Myers, have never seen the plan. 倫斯斐說(shuō),連他都無(wú)法證實(shí)是否有這個(gè)戰爭計畫(huà)存在,因為不論是他或他的助理沃佛維茨,或是參謀首長(cháng)聯(lián)席會(huì )議主席邁爾斯將軍,都不曾見(jiàn)過(guò)這個(gè)計畫(huà)。
- Early in January, with a few other officers in War Plans, he had begun "conversation" with British military men. 一月初,他和軍事計劃處的其他幾個(gè)軍官一道開(kāi)始跟英國軍事人員“對話(huà)”。
- War plans,which are the concrete application of strategy and tactics,must be flexible so that they can be adapted to the circumstances of the war. 戰爭計劃即戰略戰術(shù)的具體運用,要帶靈活性,使之能適應戰爭的情況。
- War plans, which are the concrete application of strategy and tactics, must be flexible so that they can be adapted to the circumstances of the war. 戰爭計劃即戰略戰術(shù)的具體運用,要帶靈活性,使之能適應戰爭的情況。
- The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 戰爭因軍火不足而失敗。
- The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won. 市長(cháng)確信反犯罪活動(dòng)之戰爭必定勝利。
- The hope of a short war went glimmering. 戰爭無(wú)望在短期內結束。
- As both military conditions and operations are relatively stable,we must grant the relative stability of the war plans and policies resulting from them. 由于戰爭的情況和行動(dòng)都有其相對的固定性,因而應之而生的戰爭計劃或方針,也就必須拿相對的固定性賦予它。