- Splits and wars among the warlords weaken the power of the White regime. 軍閥間的分裂和戰爭,削弱了白色政權的統治勢力。
- The Yuan government had made an effort to resume authority and the govern ability, but at last, the struggles among warlord blocs had disintegrated the Yuan's governance in fact. 盡管元廷為恢復權威與控制能力進(jìn)行過(guò)努力,但最終軍閥集團的斗爭在事實(shí)上瓦解了元朝的統治。
- Mencius resolutely opposed the war among the countries for the cities and territory. 孟子堅決反對諸侯之間攻城略地的戰爭。
- A major change in the market disposition pattern has given rise to a fresh round of color TV price war among home TV manufacturers. 市場(chǎng)格局發(fā)生了重大變化,引發(fā)了新一輪國產(chǎn)彩電價(jià)格大戰。
- For all his talk about foreign threats and domestic enemies, what Mr Putin really fears is his entourage and a war among the clans. 對于所有他談到的關(guān)于外國威脅與本國敵人的問(wèn)題,普京先生真正害怕的是他自己的親信隨從與黨羽之間的斗爭。
- The Daily Kos, a multi-author lefty blog, accuses Mrs Clinton of “fomenting civil war” among Democrats and plotting a “coup by superdelegate”. 一個(gè)多人執筆的博客DailyKos指責希拉里“醞釀民主黨內戰”以及“圖謀超級代表政變”。
- It is an era of civil war among the people of Siam where the fight is to protect the capital city of Ayuthaya from being conquered and overthrown. 在這里,拓荒者可以任意占有西部平原上任何一塊無(wú)主的土地,并選擇將自己的生命永遠留在辛勤的勞作與堅實(shí)的草原之上。
- But if they find their project has miscarried, they return home, and, for want of enemies, engage in what I call a civil war among themselves. 要是他們發(fā)現偷襲計劃失敗,就跑回家去,敵人沒(méi)有了,就進(jìn)行一場(chǎng)我所說(shuō)的那種內戰。
- division of the country among warlords 軍閥割據
- A view of CHIANG Kai-shek and ZHANG Xue-liang in the war among new warlords 論新軍閥混戰中的蔣介石和張學(xué)良
- Unrest grows into full-scale galaxy-wide wars among various colonies. 動(dòng)蕩最終發(fā)展成不同殖民地之間的大規模戰爭。
- At the behest of his mother, he sails downstream in a raft and comes to place known as Yilihada where he successfully stops an internecine war among three Manchu tribes and is voted the chieftain of all three. 他遵照母親的囑咐,乘坐筏子順流而下,來(lái)到依立哈達地方,平息了這里的戰亂,結束了3個(gè)部族的械斗,被推舉為三族的首領(lǐng)。
- Hegemonism caused not only wars among nations, but brought various anti-hegemonism war as well, which included terrorism, a extremity means of anti-hegemonism. 霸權主義不僅導致追求霸權的國家或國家集團的戰爭,而且引發(fā)包括恐怖主義這種極端形式在內的各種反對霸權主義的戰爭。
- Upon a molecular level, there is an ongoing war amongst those that have yet to purify their DNA through ascension;and the war causes what is dissonant to destroy itself. 在分子水平上,那些還需要通過(guò)提升而凈化的DNA之間還有一個(gè)持續不斷的戰爭,而戰爭造成了不和諧的東西進(jìn)行自我摧毀。
- Releasing a review of federal policy on cyber-security, Mr Obama said the government had been hamstrung by the issue’s complexity and turf wars among agencies. 網(wǎng)絡(luò )安全聯(lián)邦政策述評發(fā)布后,奧巴馬說(shuō)政府的監管被這一問(wèn)題的負雜性和代理機構之間的地盤(pán)爭斗削弱了力量?!?/li>
- The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 戰爭因軍火不足而失敗。
- Releasing a review of federal policy on cyber-security, Mr Obama said the government had been hamstrung so far by the complexity of the issue and turf wars among agencies. 在公布聯(lián)邦網(wǎng)絡(luò )安全政策評估報告后,奧巴馬表示,由于這一問(wèn)題的復雜性以及各機構之間爭權奪利,政府到目前為止一直未能發(fā)揮作用。
- The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won. 市長(cháng)確信反犯罪活動(dòng)之戰爭必定勝利。
- The hope of a short war went glimmering. 戰爭無(wú)望在短期內結束。
- A series of provocations led up to the border war. 一系列的挑釁事件導致了邊境戰爭的發(fā)生。