- Wait for a voice message to end. 等待留言結束。
- When this occurs, the voice message is still delivered. 發(fā)生這種情況時(shí),仍會(huì )傳遞語(yǔ)音郵件。
- Callers may then have to call back to leave another voice message for the user. 呼叫者可能必須再次為該用戶(hù)留下另一個(gè)語(yǔ)音郵件。
- Leave her voice messages to wake up to. 用她的聲音做鬧鐘鈴聲。
- If NDRs have not been enabled, an NDR will not be sent if voice message delivery fails. 如果未啟用NDR,則在語(yǔ)音郵件傳遞失敗時(shí)不會(huì )發(fā)送NDR。
- The Hub Transport server then routes and submits the voice message to the appropriate Mailbox server. 集線(xiàn)器傳輸服務(wù)器將語(yǔ)音郵件路由并提交到相應的郵箱服務(wù)器。
- Otherwise, the Nissan will ring bells or issue a voice message, and also suggest the driver pull over and rest. 如果達不到標準,警鈴就會(huì )響起或者導航系統發(fā)出語(yǔ)音提示,并建議司機停車(chē)休息。
- Audible interfaces, such as those found in voice message systems and automated call centers, involve some special challenges. 語(yǔ)音界面,比如語(yǔ)音留言系統及自動(dòng)呼叫中心等,具有不同的特點(diǎn)和特殊的問(wèn)題。
- Users can query vessel and container status and read the information on their text messaging phone. 用戶(hù)可以查詢(xún)船舶和集裝箱的狀態(tài),并閱讀手機上的文本消息。
- Voice Message Queue Accessed is the number of times subscribers accessed their voice message queues by using the telephone user interface. Voice Message Queue Accessed是訂閱者使用電話(huà)用戶(hù)界面訪(fǎng)問(wèn)其語(yǔ)音郵件隊列的次數。
- Because storage quotas are implemented in most Exchange environments, there may be times when a caller cannot leave a voice message for a user. 因為大多數Exchange環(huán)境中都會(huì )實(shí)施存儲配額,所以,有時(shí)呼叫者無(wú)法為用戶(hù)留下語(yǔ)音郵件。
- The attack's nuisance value is increased because mobile phone networks also send notifications of new voicemail by SMS, so an attacked phone may stop advising of new voice messages too, it warned. 它警告:這種攻擊的危害增長(cháng)是因為移動(dòng)電話(huà)網(wǎng)絡(luò )也會(huì )通過(guò)短信發(fā)送新語(yǔ)音郵件的通知。所以受到攻擊的手機可也以停止新的語(yǔ)音信息的提示。
- However, you can control the size of the voice files by reducing the length of time that callers have to leave a voice message. 但是,可以通過(guò)縮短允許呼叫者留下的語(yǔ)音郵件的時(shí)間長(cháng)度來(lái)控制語(yǔ)音文件的大小。
- Voice messages of the final 102 minutes at the World Trade Center has emerged. 世貿中心倒塌前102分鐘里的聲音記錄面世了。
- This parameter specifies the length of time that a caller can be silent when recording a voice message before the recording is ended. 此參數指定在結束錄音之前,呼叫者在錄制語(yǔ)音郵件時(shí)可以保持沉默的時(shí)間長(cháng)度。
- When callers dial either extension number and leave a voice message for the user, the voice message will be delivered to the same UM-enabled mailbox. 呼叫者撥打任一分機號碼并為用戶(hù)留下語(yǔ)音郵件后,語(yǔ)音郵件將傳遞到同一個(gè)啟用了UM的郵箱。
- When you plan your storage quotas for users, you should consider the maximum length of a voice message that a caller will leave. 在規劃用戶(hù)的存儲配額時(shí),應考慮呼叫者將留下的語(yǔ)音郵件的最大長(cháng)度。
- This parameter specifies the audio codec for creating voice messages. 此參數指定用于創(chuàng )建語(yǔ)音郵件的音頻編碼解碼器。
- One day, Yumi's (Kou Shibasaki) friend finds a weird voice message on her cell phone.The voice sounds like hers but it ends in a bone-chilling scream. 東京大學(xué)女生由美(柴崎幸)的好友接二連三慘死,更可怕的是,她們都曾在死前3日接到猛鬼手機留言,發(fā)訊人竟是死者自己!
- The voice message is submitted to the Mailbox server, but the voice message fills up the remaining storage space and exceeds the set storage quota for the user. 語(yǔ)音郵件提交到郵箱服務(wù)器,但是語(yǔ)音郵件占滿(mǎn)了剩余存儲空間,并超過(guò)了為用戶(hù)設置的存儲配額。