- For visual support, workstations, PCs or video walls can be used. 對于可視化支持,可使用工作站、PC機或視頻墻。
- China sets up special fund to support technology innovation. 中國政府設立專(zhuān)項基金支持技術(shù)創(chuàng )新。
- Time synchronization is an important support technology for wireless sensor network. 時(shí)鐘同步是無(wú)線(xiàn)傳感器網(wǎng)絡(luò )的一項重要支撐技術(shù)。
- Visual support tools include Visual Schedules, Information Sharers and Checklists, which can be used separately or be used with other educational interventions such as PECS, TEACCH and Social Story. 這些視覺(jué)工具既能夠單獨使用,又能夠整合到相關(guān)的教育干預方案(如圖片兌換溝通系統、結構化教學(xué)、社會(huì )故事方案)之中。
- Establishment of the Fund is a significant strategic measure of the state to support technology innovation of technology-based SMEs. 設立科技型中小企業(yè)技術(shù)創(chuàng )新基金,是國家支持科技型中小企業(yè)進(jìn)行技術(shù)創(chuàng )新的重要戰略措施。
- It has positive values to the development and application of network-DSS. Data mining is arising as a new decision support technology. 數據開(kāi)采是一種新的決策支持新技術(shù),它是模型驅動(dòng)決策的重要補充。
- The Innovation Fund for STF is a government special fund which was set up upon the approval of the State Council to support technology innovation. 科技型中小企業(yè)技術(shù)創(chuàng )新基金是經(jīng)國務(wù)院批準設立,用于支持科技型中小企業(yè)技術(shù)創(chuàng )新的政府專(zhuān)項基金。
- Roadside support technology is a key technology in coal mining,safe,rational and effective roadside support can guarantee high output and efficiency. 巷道支護技術(shù)是煤炭開(kāi)采中的一項關(guān)鍵技術(shù),安全、合理、有效的巷道支護是保證礦井高產(chǎn)高效的必要條件。
- As an important part of FACTS,TCSC will be the support technology of the future transmission system and will play a more important role in the power system. 可控串聯(lián)補償(TCSC)作為柔性交流輸電系統(FACTS)的重要組成部分,是未來(lái)輸電系統的支撐技術(shù),在電力系統中的作用越來(lái)越重要。
- The rules and application of the anchor rope support technology undergroud mine are introduced. And the application result and economic benefit are analyzed. 介紹了錨索支護技術(shù)的原理及在井下的應用情況,對應用結果和產(chǎn)生的經(jīng)濟效益進(jìn)行了分析。
- The Practice has proven that the blot(rope) and point-to strengthen the comprehensive support technology in large-span large section of the roadway is feasible. 經(jīng)實(shí)踐證明,錨帶網(wǎng)(索)及點(diǎn)柱加強的綜合支護技術(shù)在大斷面大跨度巷道是可行的。
- Supported by the Astronautical Supporting Technology Foundation of China. 基金項目: 航天支撐技術(shù)基金資助項目.
- The speed, range and scale of CSTs' flows from developed to developing countries should be regularly monitored to support technology needs assessment and plan/programme making. 保護氣候,是那些擁有技術(shù)知識產(chǎn)權企業(yè)(特別是具有資金和技術(shù)實(shí)力的跨國公司)的社會(huì )責任,讓渡部分技術(shù)壟斷利潤、向發(fā)展中國家轉讓技術(shù)是實(shí)現企業(yè)社會(huì )責任的體現。
- Her designs have a strong visual appeal. 她的設計在視覺(jué)上很有感染力。
- Visit California Technology Alliance To explore how the Technology Alliance office dedicated to build the world -class community infrastructure to advance and support technology professionals and industry in California. 參觀(guān)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)加州技術(shù)聯(lián)盟辦公室是如何致力于發(fā)展地區的世界級基礎設施來(lái)支持加州的技術(shù)進(jìn)步和創(chuàng )新。
- The distributed object technology is the important supporting technology of distributed system . 分布對象技術(shù)作為分布系統的重要支撐技術(shù),其安全問(wèn)題一直是分布系統安全領(lǐng)域的研究重點(diǎn)。
- Telescopes and microscopes are visual instruments. 望遠鏡和顯微鏡是光學(xué)儀器。
- Near-sightedness is a visual defect. 近視是一個(gè)視力缺陷。
- Primary school teachers use a lot of visual aids. 小學(xué)教師使用大量的視覺(jué)教具。