- The Analysis of Design Principles for the Dicing Saw's Vision Recognition System 劃片機視覺(jué)識別系統設計原理分析
- The humanoid Chinese character recognition system. 4) 仿人漢字識別系統。
- We will develop a new counterfeit banknote recognition system based on machine vision to alleviate the current technologies. 我們將發(fā)展一套新的以機器視覺(jué)為基礎的偽鈔辨識機,改善現有的偽鈔辨識機制。
- Design and Realization of Vehicle License Plate Recognition System. 車(chē)牌識別系統的設計與實(shí)現。
- License Plate Recognition System Designated Parking Corp. 車(chē)牌辨識系統。
- A fast speech recognition system for small vocabulary is presented. 摘要介紹了一種小詞匯量的語(yǔ)音識別方法。
- Based on the application of vehicle type recognition in intelligent traffic fields, a vehicle type recognition system based on computer was developed, adopting the technique of monocular vision. 摘要針對智能交通領(lǐng)域汽車(chē)類(lèi)型識別的應用背景,利用單目視覺(jué)開(kāi)發(fā)了基于計算機視覺(jué)車(chē)輛類(lèi)型識別系統;
- This paper designed a iris recognition system for human identification. 本文設計了一種用于身份鑒別的虹膜識別系統。
- Handwritten Numeral Recognition System is used to obtain numeral information. 手寫(xiě)體數字識別系統用于數據信息的采集。
- Then, the thesis takes the Bund, the most famous street of Shanghai, as an object of study, draws the methods and achievements from other interdisciplines such as vision recognition and vision illusion, to analyze the question of context. 然后,論文以上海最著(zhù)名的外灘作為街道界面質(zhì)感的研究對象,借鑒視覺(jué)識別、視錯覺(jué)等交叉學(xué)科的研究方法和成果,對現實(shí)中的質(zhì)感現象進(jìn)行了分析與評價(jià)。
- Our pattern recognition system is set into motion every time our senses perceive something. 每次當我們的感官有所察覺(jué)時(shí),我們的模式識別系統也將有所行動(dòng)。
- An on line Chinese character recognition system is built up based on the aforementioned principle. 基于上述方法,作者實(shí)現了一個(gè)聯(lián)機手寫(xiě)漢字識別系統。
- A speech recognition system must expend significant processing to turn your speech into text. 語(yǔ)音識別系統必須付出大量的處理把您的語(yǔ)音轉為文本。
- In this paper, attribute recognition system is applied to the assessment of development of regional economy. 本文將屬性模式識別系統應用于區域經(jīng)濟發(fā)展優(yōu)先級別的評價(jià)中。
- Won the tender to install container number recognition system at Asia Container Terminal Ltd. Consisting of 11 lanes. 成功贏(yíng)得亞洲貨柜碼頭有限公司集裝箱號碼辨識系統工程合約共11條通道。
- Accurately registering iris images leads tohigher recognition rate for an iris recognition system. 對整個(gè)虹膜識別系統而言,虹膜圖像的配準是其中一個(gè)非常。
- The recognition system accurately identified the individuals about half of the time . 識別系統在半個(gè)機器周期內精確地鑒定出了每個(gè)人。
- The license plate recognition system has promising future in the control and management of the traffic. 汽車(chē)牌照識別系統在現代交通監控和管理中有著(zhù)廣闊的應用前景。
- A New Processing Method of Nixie Tube Computer Vision Recognition 一種新的數碼管計算機視覺(jué)識別處理方法
- It mainly consists of sensor arrays and pattern recognition systems. 主要由傳感器陣列和模式識別系統組成。