Bill's Chicago office uses video conferencing to communicate with the New York affiliates. 比爾在芝加哥的辦公室利用電視會(huì )議系統同在紐約的分部進(jìn)行通訊。
For a long time it suffered from the image of the video conferencing suite, cumbersome and expensive to operate with long booking lead times. 但長(cháng)期以來(lái),電視會(huì )議的形象不佳,運作繁瑣且費用昂貴,還需要提前很長(cháng)時(shí)間預定。
Using RTP is a nice beginning to implement the Video Conference System. 在實(shí)現視訊會(huì )議系統時(shí),是個(gè)很好的開(kāi)端。