- ONS is also responsible for a speedy and accurate distribution of printed results and news reports to the pigeonholes in the Main Press Center and venue media centers. 奧林匹克新聞服務(wù)還負責快速、準確地把打印好的成績(jì)公布出來(lái),以及把新聞報道發(fā)放到主新聞中心和場(chǎng)館媒體中心的成績(jì)公報柜內。
- At many venues' media centers, volunteers far outnumbered journalists, and security guards would wander in to snatch up all the uneaten snacks. 在許多場(chǎng)地的媒體中心,志工數量遠超過(guò)記者,安全警衛可能想抓住所有未吃的點(diǎn)心。
- Thousands of anti-government protesters on Saturday forced through the army's cordons and stormed into the ASEAN summit venue and media center in Pattaya. 日本首相麻生太郎同樣認為取消系列峰會(huì )“令人遺憾”,但他認為“盡管泰國政府已做出最大努力,這個(gè)結果(抗議者沖擊會(huì )場(chǎng))難以避免”。
- Media Center TV Pack cannot be uninstalled. 媒體中心電視包無(wú)法卸載。
- You play a video in Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005. 在Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005中播放視頻。
- Please share your experience of using MCE (Microsoft Media Center). 歡迎分享有關(guān)使用MCE的心得.
- Why doesn't movie information or cover art display in Windows Media Center? 為什么Windows Media Center中不顯示電影信息或封面?
- What should I know before adding TV tuners to use with Windows Media Center? 添加用于Windows Media Center的電視調諧器之前應了解哪些內容?
- The media Center is filled with classical elegance of the Venetian style. 寬敞明亮的媒體中心大廳,充滿(mǎn)了古典優(yōu)雅的威尼斯風(fēng)情。
- Media Center is unable to repair this image. Media Center can only fix images that are 24 bits per pixel. 媒體中心無(wú)法修復此圖像。媒體中心只能修正每像素 24 位的圖像。
- Here are solutions to some common problems with playing FM radio in Windows Media Center. 以下是在Windows Media Center中播放調頻廣播的一些常見(jiàn)問(wèn)題的解決方案。
- While the extender works much the same as Windows Media Center, it is a separate device and there are some differences. 雖然擴展器的功能與Windows Media Center相同,但它是一個(gè)單獨的設備,二者還是有一些差異。
- Windows Media Center Extender makes it easy for you to enjoy Windows Media Center experiences anywhere in your home. Windows Media Center擴展器使您可以在家中任何位置輕松享受Windows Media Center體驗。
- Windows Media Center cannot find, or seek, a radio frequency that has a weak signal. Windows Media Center無(wú)法找到或搜尋到信號微弱的廣播頻率。
- Windows Media Center does not support fast forward or rewind when playing FM radio. Windows Media Center不支持在播放調頻廣播時(shí)使用快進(jìn)或快退。
- Windows Media Center prompts you to download media usage rights before you can begin playing the file. 在Windows Media Center提示您下載許可證之后才能開(kāi)始播放文件。
- An optional FM tuner is required to play FM band radio stations in Windows Media Center. 在Windows Media Center中播放調頻波段電臺需要可選的調頻調諧器。
- Check for Internet radio partner applications that you can install and use in Windows Media Center. 檢查可以在Windows Media Center中安裝和使用的Internet電臺合作伙伴應用程序。
- Address any quire about the venue to the conference organizer. 向會(huì )議組織者提出任何有關(guān)集會(huì )地點(diǎn)的詢(xún)問(wèn)。
- Insert the data CD or DVD into the CD or DVD drive on your Windows Media Center computer. 將數據CD或DVD放入Windows Media Center計算機上的CD或DVD驅動(dòng)器。