- Provided the method of calculating natural ventilation rate,and validated it with an example.The result shows that the theoretical value inosculates with measurement one. 利用某建筑實(shí)測結果對理論計算所得自然通風(fēng)量進(jìn)行驗證,結果表明理論計算值和實(shí)測結果吻合。
- The maximum ventilation rate of the farrowing room should be checked to ensure adequate airflow. Although this may not necessarily cool the sows, fresh air is beneficial in stimulating appetite. 檢查產(chǎn)仔圈舍最大通風(fēng)量確保足夠氣流。盡管這不能冷卻母豬,但新鮮空氣對刺激食欲是有益的。
- By using a litter treatment to limit ammonia production, ventilation rates during brooding can be kept to a minimum, reducing heating costs by 30%. 借助墊料處理技術(shù),可有效控制家禽糞便的氨氣釋放,進(jìn)而把育雛期間禽舍的通風(fēng)頻率降至最低,可節約30%25的禽舍取暖成本。
- In the winter of severe cold or cold zones, natural ventilation rates of buoyancy driven flow can meet ventilation requirement basically in underground car park. 在嚴寒或寒冷地區的冬季,熱壓作用形成的自然通風(fēng)量較大,基本能滿(mǎn)足地下停車(chē)庫的通風(fēng)要求。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照這樣下去,我們不會(huì )有時(shí)間/錢(qián)去度假的。
- The results show that CHS-HA PEC possess proper structure (60-120um), water content (90.15%), ventilate rate (83.65%) and biological characteristics. 結果顯示;殼聚糖/透明質(zhì)酸復合皮膚支架具有良好的孔結構(60-120um)、含水量(90.;15%25)、水蒸氣透過(guò)率(83
- Calculation of natural ventilation rates by tracer gas decay method was proposed, and definition of indoor criterion of carbon monoxide concentration limit and the carbon monoxide emission from cars were discussed. 提出了利用示蹤氣體法計算地下停車(chē)庫的自然通風(fēng)量,并論述了如何確定室內一氧化碳允許標準及小汽車(chē)的一氧化碳排放量。
- At the same time, the analysis of energy consumption is carried out with CI control compared with the conventional temperature and relative humidity control and CO2-based DCV compared with the target per-person ventilation rates. 最后,把CI控制與傳統溫(濕)度控制方法進(jìn)行比較,把CO_2需求控制通風(fēng)與人均新風(fēng)量標準通風(fēng)進(jìn)行比較,對系統節能性進(jìn)行了分析。
- Determination of ventilation rate in decorating material malls 裝飾建材超市通風(fēng)量的確定
- From the equation of mass balance of tracer gas, the ventilation rates of the cabin(multi room) can be solved by using sigle tracer gas measurement or multi tracer gas measurement. 通過(guò)建立示蹤氣體質(zhì)量平衡方程式可得到用單種示蹤氣體和多種示蹤氣體濃度變化求客艙(多室)通風(fēng)量和滲風(fēng)量的方法。
- From the equation of mass balance of tracer gas, the ventilation rates of the cabin(multi-room) can be solved by using sigle tracer gas measurement or multi-tracer gas measurement. 通過(guò)建立示蹤氣體質(zhì)量平衡方程式可得到用單種示蹤氣體和多種示蹤氣體濃度變化求客艙(多室)通風(fēng)量和滲風(fēng)量的方法。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 計算機程序設計人員的一般工資是多少?
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我們說(shuō)功率就是指做功的速率。
- This is a room with good ventilation. 這是個(gè)通風(fēng)良好的房間。
- They charge a fixed rate for each transaction. 他們對辦理的每項業(yè)務(wù)收取一定的費用。
- The going rate for freelance work is 5 an hour. 自由職業(yè)者的現行酬金是每小時(shí)5英鎊。
- At that rate, he ought to be punished. 如果那樣,他應該受到懲罰。
- Can you tell me the rate for a double room, please? 請告訴我一間雙人房的費用可以嗎?
- Above rate applicable until further notice. 除非另有通知,上述運費率適用。
- At any rate we must go on Tuesday. 無(wú)論如何,我們必須在星期二走。