
['v?lju?]     ['v?lju?]    
  • n. 價(jià)值;價(jià)格;重要性;(pl)價(jià)值觀(guān);數值
  • v. 估價(jià);重視;評價(jià)
valuer valued valued valuing values



n. (名詞)
  1. 價(jià)值(觀(guān)),價(jià)值基準,價(jià)格
  2. 重要性
  3. 值,等值,等價(jià)物
  4. 益處,用途
  5. 估價(jià),評價(jià)
  6. 交換力
  7. 【數】數值
  8. 【音】音符的長(cháng)度
  9. 【畫(huà)】明暗度
  10. 所值,值得花的代價(jià)
  11. 面值
  12. 積極作用
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. 看重,重視,器重,珍視
  2. 尊重
  3. 給…估價(jià),定…價(jià)
  4. (對…作出)評價(jià)
  5. 希罕, 珍重,珍愛(ài),珍惜
  6. 把…看得高于


n. (名詞)
  1. [U] [C] 價(jià)值,價(jià)格 the worth of sth in money or as compared with other goods for which it might be exchanged
  2. [S] 用處,益處,實(shí)用性,重要性 the usefulness, helpfulness, or importance of sth, especially in comparison with other things
  3. [U] 等值,劃算,上算 worth compared with the amount paid
  4. [C] 值 the quantity expressed by a letter of the alphabet or other sign
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. vt. 給…估價(jià) estimate the money value of
  2. vt. 尊重; 重視 regard highly; have a high opinion of


  1. a numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed;

    "the value assigned was 16 milliseconds"

  2. the quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable;

    "the Shakespearean Shylock is of dubious value in the modern world"

  3. the amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else;

    "he tried to estimate the value of the produce at normal prices"

  4. relative darkness or lightness of a color;

    "I establish the colors and principal values by organizing the painting into three values--dark, medium...and light"

  5. (music) the relative duration of a musical note

  6. an ideal accepted by some individual or group;

    "he has old-fashioned values"

  1. fix or determine the value of; assign a value to;

    "value the jewelry and art work in the estate"

  2. hold dear;

    "I prize these old photographs"

  3. regard highly; think much of;

    "I respect his judgement"
    "We prize his creativity"

  4. evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of;

    "I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional"
    "access all the factors when taking a risk"

  5. estimate the value of;

    "How would you rate his chances to become President?"
    "Gold was rated highly among the Romans"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. This book will be of great value to him in his study.
  2. The fall in the dollar's value worldwide sent tremors through the Wall Street.
  3. No one knows the value of health until he loses it.
  4. As his novel values seem to lose appeal, what surprise might the party bring to win the election?
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
  1. You'd better ask an expert concerned to value your apartment.
  2. The Chinese highly value the strong family ties.
  3. How do you value the function of marketing in the management process?


用作名詞 (n.)
attach value to
    重視 have a high opinion of
good value
    價(jià)廉 low price
value for money
    合算,花錢(qián)值得 the goods are always worth the price charged
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
value above (v.+prep.)
    把…看得高于… regard (sth/sb) more highly than (usually sth)
    value sth above sth

    I value my honour above my life!


value as (v.+prep.)
    把…當作…而予以尊重或看重 regard highly of (sb/sth) because he or it is (sth)
    value sb/sth as sb/sth

    I value this car only as a means of getting to work; it has no other importance for me.


    She is greatly valued as a leader.


value at (v.+prep.)
    把…作價(jià) place a price on sth of an amount
    value sth at sth

    I valued the bike at 200 yuan .


    I valued the skirt at ten yuan .


    He valued a painting at five thousand pounds.


    The used car has recently been valued at 3750 pounds.


value for (v.+prep.)
    因…而喜愛(ài)或高度評價(jià) love or have a high opinion of (sb/sth) because of
    value sb/sth for sb/sth

    Cook valued his secretary for her accuracy.


    Troops are valued for quality rather than number.


value on (v.+prep.)
    引以為自豪,自夸 show off oneself for sth
    value oneself on sth/v-ing

    She values herself on her conversational powers.


    He valued himself on being promoted.



用作名詞 (n.)
動(dòng)詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Liquorice Bootlaces. At two for a penny they were the best value in the shop.

    出自: R. Dahl
  • The..court awarded the salvors less than a seventh of the value of the ship and her cargo.

    出自:Illustrated London News
  • The appraisers..valued the same to four pounds.

    出自: H. Brooke
  • A consignment of hawksbill turtleshell..valued at 6.5m yen..was imported from the Cayman Islands.

    出自:Sunday Correspondent
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