- Preserve the ecological environment. Stay off public lawns, and refrain from picking flowers or fruits. Don't chase, catch, or throw stones at animals or feed them irresponsibly. 保護生態(tài)環(huán)境。不踩踏綠地,不摘折花木和果實(shí),不追捉、投打、亂喂動(dòng)物。
- By 1995 China had constructed 11,333 sq km of smoke-and-dust control zones, and 1,800 sq km of up-to-standard noise-control zones, and increased public lawns by 490 million square meters. 到1995年,全國建成煙塵控制區11333平方公里,環(huán)境噪聲達標區1800平方公里,增加公共綠地4.;9億平方米。
- Urban Public Traffic Planning and Administration. City Bus and Taxi. City Ferry. City Tram. Express Rail Car Traffic. 城市公共交通規劃與管理,城市公共汽車(chē)與出租汽車(chē),城市輪渡,電車(chē),快速軌道交通
- By 1995 China had constructed 11,333 sq km of smoke-and-dust control zones,and 1,800 sq km of up-to-standard noise-control zones,and increased public lawns by 490 million square meters. 到1995年,全國建成煙塵控制區11333平方公里,環(huán)境噪聲達標區1800平方公里,增加公共綠地4.;9億平方米。
- Is the passenger transport overload inevitable in expanding the urban public transport? 發(fā)展城市公交就必須超載嗎?
- Advance or lagging behind in the urban public space building will affect the development of cities . 超前或者滯后的城市公共空間建設都會(huì )影響城市的發(fā)展。
- Dezhou Xin Hu Park is one of the main comprehensive urban public parks in De Zhou City. 德州新湖公園,是德州主要的城市綜合性公園之一,是市民活動(dòng)、娛樂(lè )和休閑健身的重要場(chǎng)所。
- Like urban public transport as IC cards, these cards to the public transport system, each card key encryption to have control of the factory. 就象城市公共交通IC卡一樣,這些卡在交給公交系統使用前,每張卡的密鑰都要進(jìn)行出廠(chǎng)加密控制。
- Practical Training: Specialized Literature Review, Comprehensive Ability Test, Survey of Urban Public Utility Agencies, Survey of Public Utilities etc. 主要專(zhuān)業(yè)實(shí)踐包括:專(zhuān)業(yè)文獻綜述訓練、專(zhuān)業(yè)綜合能力測試、城市公共事業(yè)單位調查、城市公共設施使用情況調查等。
- This paper carries out the comparative study method to investigate the communication mechanism in urban public transportation planning. 摘要用比較研究的方法,對我國城市公共交通發(fā)展中的民眾參與問(wèn)題進(jìn)行深入研究。
- The artistic attainments and taste of urban public spaces and community gardens symbolize the united and harmonious world culture. 城市公共空間及社區園林的藝術(shù)造詣與品位,是世界文化走向共和的典型象征。
- In 2001, Bao Pao criticized stagnancy in development of the public art in China in The Environment of Urban Public Art Forum in Chengdu Province. 2001年參加在成都舉辦的“城市公共藝術(shù)環(huán)境論壇”,批評國內城市公共環(huán)境藝術(shù)之滯后。
- Based on information hereinbefore, this paper plans to conduct studies on urban public space which put priorities on public spatial configurations. 基于以上情況,本論文擬對城市公共空間形態(tài)進(jìn)行研究。
- Solar LED lanterns are mainly applied in urban public domain to remould existing lighting system and it can reach the fractional energy saving of 60%. 太陽(yáng)能LED燈具主要應用于城市公用領(lǐng)域的路燈,對現有的光照系統進(jìn)行改造,節能率達到60%25。
- Taking the planning for the Fuzhou Rongcheng Plaza as example, this paper explores the train of design thought on developing large urban public humanized space. 從人性化設計理念出發(fā),建構良好空間結構,塑造富有地域特色的公共空間,是城市空間充滿(mǎn)活力并使空間景觀(guān)得以持續生長(cháng)與完善的關(guān)鍵。
- In recent years, as the urban economical constructions grow rapidly, account receivable in arrears of urban public utility is on the rise, especially arrears of energy charge. 近年來(lái),隨著(zhù)城市經(jīng)濟建設的飛速發(fā)展,城市公用事業(yè)應收賬款拖欠現象與日俱增,其中電費欠款尤為嚴重。
- From the strategetic point of city planning,the conception of Transit Oriented Development(TOD)was introduced into the design of urban public transportation hub. 隨著(zhù)國內各大城市對公共交通樞紐規劃建設的普遍重視,城市公共交通樞紐設計已成為交通領(lǐng)域的重要研究課題。
- It"s features strong space distinctiveness and penetrative ness.It is an urban public openness to harmonize natural ecological system and that artificial construction. 具有特色鮮明、滲透性強的空間特質(zhì),是自然生態(tài)系統與人工建設系統交融的城市公共開(kāi)敞空間。
- Based on the analysis of railways serving as URT both at home and abroad, this article deems it necessary and feasible that railways contribute to urban public transport. 摘要分析了國內外鐵路參與城市交通的概況,認為鐵路參與城市交通是必要和可行的。
- A successful highrise building fundus space is not only a favorable transition for architect and cities, but also itself a beneficial component part of urban public space. 一個(gè)成功的高層建筑底部空間,不僅是建筑與城市良好的過(guò)渡,本身也是城市公共空間的一個(gè)有益的組成部分。