- Beijing Urban and Rural Trade Center 北京城鄉貿易中心
- Combine the strengths of urban and rural life. 結合都市農村生活的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。
- Handle urban and rural individual saving deposits. 辦理城鄉居民個(gè)人儲蓄存款。
- The collective economy in urban and rural areas made new headway. 城鄉集體經(jīng)濟得到新的發(fā)展。
- Living standards of urban and rural residents continued to improve. 城鄉人民生活繼續改善。
- We should improve our planning for urban and rural development. 加強城鄉規劃工作。
- Urban and rural reforms must remain stable for a long time. 城市和農村的改革必須要保持長(cháng)期的穩定。
- Making overall plans for urban and rural employment. 統籌兼顧城鄉就業(yè)。
- The income of urban and rural residents has gone up steadily. 城鄉居民收入穩步增長(cháng)。
- The income of both urban and rural residents is growing. 城鄉居民收入水平不斷提高。
- The building is a clear metaphor for British urban and rural life. 建筑是一個(gè)明確的隱喻英國城市和農村生活。
- Stable increase in the income of urban and rural households. 城鄉居民收入穩定增長(cháng)。
- And an increasing secular trend was observed both in urban and rural areas. 尿道下裂發(fā)生率存在逐年上升的趨勢。
- We will strengthen self-governing local organizations in urban and rural areas. 加強城鄉基層自治組織建設。
- The gaps between urban and rural incomes, especially, have widened lately. 最終在城市和農村上的收入差距就會(huì )加大。
- The living standard of urban and rural population continued to improve. 城鄉居民生活繼續得到改善。
- We should develop social relief and welfare programs in urban and rural areas. 發(fā)展城鄉社會(huì )救濟和社會(huì )福利事業(yè)。
- Second, to vigorously tap urban and rural markets and actively expand export. 二是大力開(kāi)拓城鄉市場(chǎng),積極擴大出口。
- Second,to vigorously tap urban and rural markets and actively expand export. 二是大力開(kāi)拓城鄉市場(chǎng),積極擴大出口。
- Continuing to expand urban and rural markets,stepped-up effort will be made to tackle the exploration of the rural market,in particular,as the most important aspect in the work of internal trade. 繼續把開(kāi)拓城鄉市場(chǎng),特別是開(kāi)拓農村市場(chǎng)作為內貿工作的重中之重抓緊抓好。