
[?p]     [?p]    
  • adv. 向上;起來(lái);上升;往上
  • prep. 向上
  • adj. 向上的;上行的
  • n. 上升
  • v. 上升;增加
upped upped upping ups



adv. (副詞)
  1. 向上,往上
  2. 起床
  3. 起來(lái),起
  4. 在上面
  5. 徹底地,完全地
  6. 出現
  7. 發(fā)生
  8. 上升,上漲,上揚
  9. 發(fā)跡
  10. 成碎片
  11. 向樓上,在樓上
  12. 直立地
  13. 在北方,向北方
prep. (介詞)
  1. 沿著(zhù),順著(zhù)
  2. 向...上,往...上,向...的上面,向...的上游
  3. 在...之上
  4. <英><口>到
  5. 在(較高位置)
  6. 向高處,向(較高位置)
  7. 溯(流而上)
  8. 向(內地),向內部
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 向上的,向上面的,向上頭的
  2. 上面的,上
  3. 【?!哭D向上風(fēng)頭的
  4. 頂,表示支持,擁護
  5. 樓上
  6. 昂起
  7. 興高采烈
  8. 在整修的
  9. 在工作的
  10. 被控告的,上法庭的
n. (名詞)
  1. 繁榮,興盛
  2. 上面,上頭
  3. 高處,高地
  4. 上坡路
  5. 正在逐步上升的人
  6. 有名望的人
  7. 上行車(chē)
  8. 刺激性毒品
  9. 在增長(cháng),在改善中
  10. 蒸蒸日上,日益興旺,越來(lái)越好
  11. 浮沉,興衰,榮辱
v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. (突然)起來(lái)
  2. <口>突然跳起來(lái),(突然)站起來(lái)
  3. 舉起,拿起
  4. 抬高,提高(價(jià)格)
  5. 增加(產(chǎn)量),增加(賭注)
  6. 突然開(kāi)口
  7. 服用興奮劑,吃刺激性藥物
  8. 起床
  9. 突然移動(dòng),突然遷居,突然(做意想不到的事)
  10. 上升


adv. (副詞)
  1. 成直立姿勢; 起床 in an upright position; out of bed
  2. 向上,趨于較高處 in a higher place, position, condition, degree, etc.
  3. 向北,在北部 to; in the north
  4. 完全地,徹底地 completely
  5. 成碎片,分離 into pieces; apart
prep. (介詞)
  1. (表示位置)在…的上端 at the top
  2. (表示方向)朝…上,向…上 to; in a higher place


  1. being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level;

    "the anchor is up"
    "the sun is up"
    "he lay face up"
    "he is up by a pawn"
    "the market is up"
    "the corn is up"

  2. out of bed;

    "are they astir yet?"
    "up by seven each morning"

  3. getting higher or more vigorous;

    "its an up market"
    "an improving economy"

  4. extending or moving toward a higher place;

    "the up staircase"
    "a general upward movement of fish"

  5. (usually followed by `on' or `for') in readiness;

    "he was up on his homework"
    "had to be up for the game"

  6. open;

    "the windows are up"

  7. (used of computers) operating properly;

    "how soon will the computers be up?"

  8. used up;

    "time is up"

  1. spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position;

    "look up!"
    "the music surged up"
    "the fragments flew upwards"
    "prices soared upwards"
    "upwardly mobile"

  2. to a higher intensity;

    "he turned up the volume"

  3. nearer to the speaker;

    "he walked up and grabbed my lapels"

  4. to a more central or a more northerly place;

    "was transferred up to headquarters"
    "up to Canada for a vacation"

  5. to a later time;

    "they moved the meeting date up"
    "from childhood upward"

  1. raise;

    "up the ante"



用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. Put the packet up on the top shelf.
  2. I got up early this morning.
  3. The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1981.
  4. The old man knocked the hoe handle up.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. It is an up elevator.
  2. The up train leaves every hour.
用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
  1. The fuel prices are upping.
  2. We should up our output.


用作副詞 (adv.)
up against
    面臨faced withThey are up against starvation.他們正面臨饑餓。
be up and about
    (病愈后)下床活動(dòng),到外邊走走 out of bed and active again
be up and doing
    (病愈后)下床活動(dòng),到外邊走走 out of bed and active again
up and down
    上上下下a higher and lower
up for
    打算…intended or being considered for
up to
    做…,忙…occupied or busy withWhat's he up to?他做什么呢?
用作介詞 (prep.)
up and down
    在…上走來(lái)走去a higher and lower on


用作副詞 (adv.)
用作介詞 (prep.)
動(dòng)詞+~ ~+名詞


  • I've had ups in my life, and I've had downs.

    出自: Conan Doyle
  • The up W.R. 8.30 a.m. PlymouthsPaddington express.

    出自: O. S. Nock
  • Sitting in front of her mirror, upping her hair.

    出自: J. Marquand
  • Everybody was uttering cheers and upping their glasses.

    出自: D. Norden
  • If I be righteous, yet will I not lift vp my head.

    出自:Bible (AV): Job
  • 'I do,' said Mrs. Joe firmly, holding up her hand.

    出自: J. B. Priestley
  • He picked up a cardboard box.

    出自:New Yorker
  • The priest's mouth works up and down in a frenzy.

    出自: M. Roberts
  • Mount, mount, my soul! thy seat is up on high.

    出自:Richard II , Shakespeare
  • All this is going on not more than fifty miles up.

    出自: F. Hoyle
  • Walking up a long staircase to meet Maurice at the top.

    出自: G. Greene
  • When we were half-way up the hill.

    出自: D. Abse
  • A coal fire..thrust yellow flames up the chimney.

    出自: A. Carter





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