- To see more ports, use the UP and DOWN Arrow keys. 要想看更多的端口,使用向上或向下光標鍵。
- You can scroll through the text using the up and down arrow keys. 你可以利用上下箭頭鍵來(lái)翻看(計算機屏幕上的)整個(gè)文本。
- Controls: Press up and down arrow keys to select items in dropdown list. 控制:要選定下拉列表中的項目,請按上下箭頭鍵。
- Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar to select one. 您可以使用上下箭頭鍵來(lái)在選擇列表中移動(dòng),使用空格來(lái)選中。
- Control your airplane with the UP and DOWN ARROW KEYS and use SPACEBAR to fire your machine gun. 控制你的飛機,向上與向下箭頭鍵,并用空格來(lái)火貴機槍。
- In this case you can see there are 10 different signatures, and you can look through them by clicking the UP and DOWN ARROW keys. 在本例中,您可以看到10個(gè)不同的簽名,可以通過(guò)單擊向上鍵和向下鍵瀏覽它們。
- For overloaded functions, you can use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to view alternative parameter information for the function overloads. 對于重載函數,可以使用向上和向下鍵查看函數重載的其他參數信息。
- The user can increase and decrease the number by clicking up and down buttons, by pressing the UP and DOWN ARROW keys, or by typing a number. 用戶(hù)可以通過(guò)單擊向上和向下按鈕、按向上鍵和向下鍵或鍵入一個(gè)數字來(lái)增大和減小數字。
- Move the focus, using the up and down arrows, then press the DELETE key. 使用向上和向下箭頭移動(dòng)焦點(diǎn),然后按Delete鍵。
- Click the up and down arrows to scroll through the list of cities. 請單擊上下箭頭滾動(dòng)城市列表
- Key Keyboard control about moving the arrow keys up and down stairs, to avoid the staff met the drinking fountains will become invincible. 鍵盤(pán)左右鍵控制移動(dòng),上下鍵上下樓梯,注意躲避員工,碰到飲水機會(huì )變無(wú)敵。
- Users click the up and down arrows to make selections. 用戶(hù)通過(guò)點(diǎn)擊上移和下移箭頭進(jìn)行選擇。
- Use the up and down arrow buttons to move the note to the desired order. 使用上箭頭按鈕和下箭頭按鈕將該說(shuō)明移至需要的順序位置。
- Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to highlight Safe Mode, and then press ENTER. 使用向上鍵和向下鍵突出顯示“安全模式”,然后按Enter。
- Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to move among entries in the Bookmarks window. 使用向上鍵和向下鍵在“書(shū)簽”窗口中的各項間移動(dòng)。
- Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to select the setup option that you want, and then press ENTER. 使用向上鍵和向下鍵選擇所需的安裝選項,然后按Enter。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- You can also use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to scroll through the code listings until you reach the macro you want. 您還可以使用向上鍵和向下鍵來(lái)滾動(dòng)代碼列表,直至找到所需的宏。
- Press the arrow keys to move up and down these lists, or left and right to adjoining columns. 按方向鍵以在列表中上下移動(dòng),或在相鄰的列中左右移動(dòng)。
- Use the up and down arrow buttons to rearrange the fields in the Field to include in e-mail message list. 使用向上箭頭和向下箭頭按鈕重新排列“要包含在電子郵件中的字段”列表中的字段。