- He is an unusually talented person. 他是個(gè)難得的人才。
- Such a most talented person as he shouldn't be satisfied with what he is. 像他這么有才華的人不應滿(mǎn)足于現狀。
- Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition. 她非凡的才能舉世公認。
- He showed an unusual talent for organization in primary school. 他小學(xué)時(shí)就表現出非凡的才能。
- I cannot lose the reason is because that believes mediocre I am the talent person. 我不能輸的理由是因為那個(gè)堅信平庸的我是個(gè)天才的人
- He is a talented person, but few know of him. 他是個(gè)有才能的人,然而知道他的人并不多。
- Nice talented person grooms mechanism. 良好的人才培訓機制。
- Mr. Jansen is a talented person. 簡(jiǎn)森先生是個(gè)有才華的人。
- I think that Chinese recovery organizations need managed talent person but not just type of talent now. 現如今我認為中國研究機構需要的不是研究型人才,而是管理型人才。
- Cause of my strive, family is full of happiness, kids grow up healthy, and trainned a passel talent person for the society by my education! 經(jīng)過(guò)我的努力,家庭幸福,孩子健康成長(cháng),而且通過(guò)我的教育,為社會(huì )培養出一大批人才!
- We should cose to the service traget,raise workes quality,bring into play an affection during the process of training talent person. 高校圖書(shū)館要貼近圖書(shū)資源的服務(wù)對象,開(kāi)展導讀工作,提高館員素質(zhì),在培養創(chuàng )新人才中發(fā)揮作用。
- I don't like him either. But to give the devil his due, I must admit that he is a pretty talented person. 我也不喜歡他。不過(guò)說(shuō)句公道話(huà),我得承認他是個(gè)很有才華的人。
- Describes Cara Dillon with this kind of speech insufficient for: Cara Dillon is a unusual talent! 用這樣一句話(huà)來(lái)形容Cara Dillon不足為過(guò):Cara Dillon是個(gè)不尋常的天才!
- He is the music talented person, this is indubitable. 他是個(gè)音樂(lè )才子,這是無(wú)可置疑的。
- The Blumkins, the Heldmans, Chuck Huggins, Stan Lipsey, and Ralph Schey all held unusual talent, energy and character to achieve exceptional financial results. 像是Blumkins家族、Heldmans、Chuck Huggins、stan Lipsey與Ralph Schey皆兼具才干、精力與品格,將旗下事業(yè)經(jīng)營(yíng)的有聲有色。
- For minors who have shown unusual talent or made outstanding achievements, the State, society, families and schools shall create conditions favourable to their sound development. 對有特殊天賦或者突出成就的未成年人,國家、社會(huì )、家庭和學(xué)校應當為他們的健康發(fā)展創(chuàng )造有利條件。
- It is the character of the industry and the scarcity of talent person that make the human resource competition become the most important representation of the investment bank competition. 行業(yè)特性、人才稀缺等因素使人才競爭成為投資銀行競爭的最重要表現。
- Film Company Boss: That's not a problem. You just choose a talented person. 電影公司老板:那不成問(wèn)題由您選擇人才好了。
- Such talented person echelon and specialized troop, for profession in rare. 這樣的人才梯隊與專(zhuān)業(yè)化隊伍,為行業(yè)內所少見(jiàn)。
- Continual attract Ho culturist a whole range of up to dick talented person . 以人為本:不斷吸引和培養一大批優(yōu)秀的人才。