- Unlimited liability companies are at higher risk than limited liability companies. 無(wú)限責任公司比有限責任公司的風(fēng)險高。
- The branch of a foreign company shall indicate in its name the nationality of the foreign company and whether it has limited or unlimited liability. 外國公司的分支機構應當在其名稱(chēng)中標明該外國公司的國籍及責任形式。
- A partnership may have unlimited liability as well as limited liability. 合營(yíng)可以是無(wú)限責任也可以是有限責任。
- Wuhu Xin Ocean Hotel, a limited liability company. 酒店介紹:蕪湖鑫海洋大酒店有限責任公司。
- Yet they have unlimited liability and are responsible for all their business debts. 但他們的責任是無(wú)限的,必須對其業(yè)務(wù)上的一切債務(wù)負責。
- Hunan Ferroalloy Yosino limited liability company. 湖南永鑫鐵合金有限責任公司.
- The investor of the personal-fund enterprise shall assume unlimited liability for the debts of the enterprise. 獨資企業(yè)投資者對企業(yè)債務(wù)負無(wú)限責任。
- The principal disadvantages of the proprietorship are unlimited liability and limitations on size. 獨資形式的主要缺點(diǎn)是債務(wù)無(wú)限和規模有限。
- Partnerships arid proprietorships share three characteristics: ?ease of formation; (2) limited life ;and (D unlimited liability. 獨資企業(yè)與合伙企業(yè)有三個(gè)共同的特征:易于組成;有限生命;無(wú)限責任。
- It has one major disadvantage. It is an unincorporated entity and the person carrying on business as sole proprietor has unlimited liability. 此類(lèi)企業(yè)有一個(gè)重大缺點(diǎn)。其為非法人實(shí)體,負責經(jīng)營(yíng)的獨資股東承擔無(wú)限責任。
- Mr Tobias-Tarsh says: “Lawyers are terrified of making a mistake especially in a business where there is unlimited liability. 托比亞斯-塔什先生說(shuō):“律師唯恐犯錯,特別是有些事務(wù)所需承擔的責任無(wú)限。
- Offsetting these advantages of a partnership are such serious disadvantages as limited life, unlimited liability, and mutual agency. 合伙組織所具有的許多短處,抵消了它的上述長(cháng)處,如有限的生命期,無(wú)限的責任,和合伙人可互相代理的特性。
- Article 19 A joint venture is a limited liability company. 第十九條 合營(yíng)企業(yè)為有限責任公司。
- In Britain,the unlimited liability partnership is just like the sole proprietorship unless it is registered under the British Limited Partnership Act of 1907. 在英國,除非在“1907年英國有限合營(yíng)法”之下注冊,無(wú)限責任合營(yíng)公司與單一業(yè)主同樣對待。
- The advantages of being in a partnership are that assets, expertise and expenses can be shared by the partners. The main disadvantages is the unlimited liability of each partner. 合伙人架構的好處是資產(chǎn)、專(zhuān)長(cháng)和成本皆由合伙人共享、分擔。不好的地方是每一位合伙人因此而承擔無(wú)限責任。
- Before obtaining the business license, the unlimited liability businessperson may not engage in any business activity by using the name it plans to use. 在領(lǐng)取營(yíng)業(yè)執照前,無(wú)限責任商人不得以擬使用的名稱(chēng)從事商行為。
- In Britain, the unlimited liability partnership is just like the sole proprietorship unless it is registered under the British Limited Partnership Act of 1907. 在英國,除非在“1907年英國有限合營(yíng)法”之下注冊,無(wú)限責任合營(yíng)公司與單一業(yè)主同樣對待。
- Article 4 The joint venture company is a limited liability company. 第四條 合營(yíng)公司為有限責任公司。
- The registration of businesspeople with unlimited liability shall be completed by authorized branches (or detached offices) of registration organs in accordance with this Ordinance. 無(wú)限責任商人的登記,由登記機關(guān)授權的分支機構(派出機構)依據本條例辦理。
- A limited liability company may be established by means of promotion or offer. 股份有限公司的設立,可以采取發(fā)起設立或者募集設立的方式。